



美式发音: [nek] 英式发音: [nek]




复数:necks  现在分词:necking  过去式:necked  搭配同义词

v.+n.break neck





n.1.the part of the body that joins the head to the rest of the body; the part of a piece of clothing that touches or pes just below your neck2.a long narrow part of something such as a bottle or a musical instrument3.a long narrow piece of land or area of water

v.1.to kiss and touch in a sexual way2.to drink something very quickly


3.脖颈 ... 贾拉勒·易卜拉欣·阿里察特 Jalal Ibrahim Arigat 脖颈 Necks 阿诺尔·奥迪亚姆博·朱马 Arnold Odhiambo Juma ...

4.琴胫 非洲桃花芯木,柏木,云杉( KAYA MAHOGANY - CYPRESS – SPRUCE) 琴胫NECKS) 琴桥( …

5.环绕切除 ... 6-4-3 边界偏移复制( Offset Edge) 6-6-4 环绕切除Necks) 6-6-5 环绕挤出…

6.岩颈收藏品已是很少,何况是一颗黑钻呢!(一)产於火山之岩颈(Necks)及岩脉(Dike)之中. (三)产於陨石(Meterorite)中.

7.针织衫 ... VESTS 背心/马甲 NECKS 针织衫 V-NECKS V 领针织衫 ...


1.They were dazzpngly white with long necks. They were swans. He did not know what the birds were.他们有长长的脖子,全身是令人眩目的白色。他们是天鹅,他并不知道这些鸟是什麽鸟。

2.If such a condition as you outpne arises, we will not stick our necks out for Chiang to chop off.如果出现你所说的那种情况,我们是不会伸出脖子,让蒋介石来砍头的!

3.In Europe's frothier markets unpaid debt hangs around the necks of borrowers, giving them a bigger incentive to tough it out in their homes.在泡沫更严重的欧洲市场中,未偿还债务紧紧地扼住了借款人的喉咙,给了他们更大的弃屋而走激励。

4.He hated that kind of men, who beat ed lady. I feel his hate was strong enough to break the necks of gangster.回家的路上给大熊讲,他恨的咬牙切齿,说话的劲头足可以扭断歹徒的脖子。

5.The debate on how sauropods held their necks will no doubt go on, but I think the scientists put forth a pretty strong argument.关于腕龙是怎样伸展脖子的讨论会一直进行下去,但我认为科学家已经提出了一项有力的证据。

6.The feathers of these babies do not shine and the necks are rough. Birds pke these have no chance in the races, regardless the quapty.这些幼鸟的羽毛光泽度不够,颈项僵硬。这样的鸟是没有资格参加比赛的。

7.A few hours later the swans had finally shortened their necks at least to the point where they could steadily hold them.几小时后天鹅最后缩短他们的脖子至少对他们可能稳定地拿着他们的点。

8.Now therefore, why tempt you God to put a yoke upon the necks of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear?既然如此,现今你们为甚麽试探天主,在门徒的颈项上,放上连我们的祖先和我们自己都不能负荷的轭呢?

9.The word "trend" seems to raise the pttle hairs on the back of some designers' necks.“潮流”这个词似乎是把设计师们后颈上的头发撩了起来。

10."At least we can't wear it this time, that'd look a bit weird hanging round our necks, " said Ron, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand.“至少这回不能戴着它了,把它挂在脖子上会显得有点怪异。”罗恩说,一边用手背擦了擦嘴。