




1.影响因素 ... 配送模式; Distribution mode; 影响因素Influencing factors; 分析 analysis ...


3.影响因子 ... 三、产品设计与生产的影响因素 Influencing Factors 1. 五、旅行社产品开发的过程 Products Exploitation Process …

5.含水率 优化: Functional Factors 含水率influencing factors 透光率: Transmissivity factors ...

6.影响要素 ... ) influence factor 影响要素 ) Influencing factors 影响要素 ) influential factors 影响要素 ...


1.This dissertation researched the mechanics and influencing factors as well as the general concrete predicting model and calculation method.本文探讨了混凝土收缩徐变的机理和影响因素以及国内外通用的混凝土预测模型和计算方法。

2.The objective of this study was to assess the stress of parents and its influencing factors in caring for children with Tourette syndrome.本研究目的为探讨妥瑞症患童父母亲职压力及其相关影响因素。

3.Objective To understand the acceptabipty of the female condom among female sex workers (FSWs) and its influencing factors.目的了解女用安全套在女性性工作者(FSW)中的可接受性及其影响因素。

4.Results show that the sulfur content of steel and support segment was the main influencing factors of the triangular area cracks.其结果表明,钢中硫和铸坯的支撑段是影响三角区裂纹的主要因素。

5.Result The statistics shows that the main influencing factors are surgical methods, payment types, age and the length of hospital stay.结果统计分析显示影响口腔癌手术患者住院费用主要因素有:癌肿手术方式、付费方式、年龄及住院天数。

6.This article reviews the quapty of pfe of breast cancer patients from measuring content, measuring tool and its main influencing factors.从生命质量的内容、测量工具以及影响因素等方面介绍乳腺癌患者生命质量的研究现状。

7.Results The main influencing factors are length of stay, operation, salvage, the status of entrance, marriage and payment.结果影响超长住院病例医疗费用的主要因素是住院天数、是否手术、是否抢救、入院情况、婚姻状况和支付方式。

8.At last, we give a example of this model, and analyse some influencing factors of the price of a rate-capped swap with Bermudan Swaption.最后,将该模型运用于一实例中,并对影响含有百慕大互换选择权的利率上限互换内嵌期权大小因素进行了分析。

9.abstract: Objective To understand the AIDS knowledge receive way and influencing factors of middle school students in Tianjin.目的了解天津市初中学生艾滋病知识获得途径及影响因素。

10.This paper defines the concept of customer loyalty, influencing factors of customer loyalty and the significance of customer loyalty.本文首先界定顾客忠诚的概念,分析顾客忠诚的影响因素及重要意义,分析顾客忠诚与品牌社区的潜在关系。