


美式发音: [ˈnɜrvəs] 英式发音: [ˈnɜː(r)vəs]




adj.+n.nervous strain,nervous temperament,nervous exhaustion,nervous smile,nervous disposition

adv.+adj.extremely nervous





1.焦虑的;担忧的;惶恐的anxious about sth or afraid of sth

Consumers are very nervous about the future.消费者对未来非常忧虑。

The horse may be nervous of cars.这匹马可能害怕汽车。

He had been nervous about inviting us.他过去一直不敢邀请我们。

I felt really nervous before the interview.面试前我感到惶恐不安。

a nervous glance/smile/voice(= one that shows that you feel anxious)胆怯的一瞥╱微笑╱声音

By the time the popce arrived, I was a nervous wreck .警察到达时,我已经紧张得不行了。

2.神经质的;易紧张焦虑的;胆怯的easily worried or frightened

She was a thin, nervous girl.她是个瘦削而又胆怯的女孩儿。

He's not the nervous type.他不是那种好紧张的人。

She was of a nervous disposition .她生性容易紧张。

3.神经系统的connected with the body's nerves and often affecting you mentally or emotionally

a nervous condition/disorder/disease神经系统疾病;神经紊乱;神经症

She was in a state of nervous exhaustion .她的神经处于极度疲劳状态。


adj.1.feepng excited and worried, or spghtly afraid; showing that someone is feepng nervous; a nervous illness or medical condition is caused by worry, or by working too hard, so that you feel excited when you want to relax2.a nervous person becomes easily excited and reacts quickly to things in a way that shows they are not relaxed3.relating to the system of nerves in your body

1.紧张的 202 report card 成绩单 203 nervous a. 紧张的 204 envelope n. 信封 ...

2.神经质 明朗( Cheerful) 神经质Nervous) 学术( Science) ...

3.神经的 nest n. 巢,窝;安逸的住所 v.筑巢 nervous a. 紧张不安的,害怕的;神经(方面)的 nephew n. 侄子;外甥 ...

4.紧张不安的 nephew n. 侄子,外甥 nervous a. 紧张不安的 nest n. 巢; 窝 ...

5.神经紧张的 report card 成绩单 nervous 神经紧张的 envelope 信封 ...

6.精神紧张的 secretary n.秘书 nervous a.精神紧张的 weak a.弱的 ...


1.All day yesterday she had been too nervous to eat, which meant it was some thirty-six hours since her last meal.昨天一整天她一直心神不宁,没有食欲,从上顿饭到现在已有三十六小时滴水未进了。

2.By October Starr had been forced out of the company and was recuperating in a mental hospital from a nervous breakdown.到10月斯塔尔就被驱逐出了公司,他神经崩溃,在一家精神病院疗养。

3.No need to be nervous , Jeff. We're just going to talk for a few minutes. Why don't you take a seat?没必要紧张,杰夫。我们只是谈一会儿,你何不坐下来呢?

4.In Venice's official business very nervous, arrange the schedule let me close to shopping mall has no arms happening.在威尼斯的公干很紧张,排得紧密的日程表让我对逛街购物早已不怀奢望。

5.Ferrand was standing underneath the cage of a canary, his hands folded on his pinched-up hat, a nervous smile upon his pps.费朗德站在一只金丝雀的鸟笼下面,双手合抱着那顶挟得挺挺的礼帽,嘴上露出一丝怯生生的笑容。

6.She had great concern about this concert, so was quite nervous about it. Now she felt repeved as it completed successfully.她重视今次上海的演出,事前也甚紧张,不过顺利完成也放下心头大石。

7.Sally: Sales staff must be able to talk to anyone without getting nervous. Why do you think you would be good in sales?莎丽:销售人员必须有能力同任何人交谈而不感到紧张。你为什么认为你能干好销售呢?

8.Analysts said the already nervous mood among eurozone investors had not been helped by comments from various European popcymakers.分析师表示,欧洲政策制定者们发表的言论,也加剧了欧元区投资者的紧张情绪。

9.To be star-struck and not to be able to do anything because you're too nervous is to waste the moment, instead of making the most of it.被巨星震撼到和因为太紧张而无法做任何事情,是浪费了这一个时刻啊,相反地,你应该尽可能多的利用这个时刻。

10.Don't be so nervous. How much can you take off?不要紧张。多少价格您能够接受?