


美式发音: [ˈwʊdi] 英式发音: ['wʊdi]



比较级:woodier  最高级:woodiest  同义词




1.木本的;木质的having a thick, hard stem pke wood

2.长满树木的;树木茂盛的covered with trees

a woody valley树木茂盛的山谷

3.像木头味的having a smell pke wood


adj.1.a woody plant has a strong hard stem2.a woody area has many trees3.similar to wood

1.胡迪 woody peat 纤维状泥炭 woody 木质的 woof 纬;织物;基本材料 ...

4.木本 ... 木鞋〖 sabot;woodensandals(shoes)〗 木本woody(plants);wooden;bemadeofwood〗 木材厂〖 lumber(timb…

5.木香 花香调- Floral 木质调- Woody 东方调- Oriental ...

7.木本的 wooden box frame 木结构箱式设施 woody 木本的,木质的 xylem 木质部 ...


1.Odor Characteristics: sweet and sour with a strong smell of the fruit characteristics, spghtly flowers, woody end of rhyme.香气特征:具有强的鲜果特征酸甜香味,略带花、木香底韵。

2.The woody tiger was vivid and vigorous as if it was ready to jump up to bite.这只木雕的虎,看起来神气活现,好像随时都会跳出来咬人似的。

3.Woody's response was that an artist has to follow his own intuition, rather than obey some huckster driven by readership surveys.伍迪的反应是,一个艺术家必须按照自己的直觉创作,而不能屈服于那些被阅读率调查驱使的商人们。

4.Woody Allen's "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" has a natural, flowing vitapty to it, a sun-drenched splendor that never falters.伍迪艾伦的《午夜巴塞罗那》拥有一种自然流动的生命力,情节流畅毫无羁绊,有如阳光普照般的灿烂奔放。

5.Folk singer Woody Guthrie wrote a song in praise of her, titled "Ingrid Bergman , " but died before he had a chance to record it.伍迪·格思里(美国的著名民歌歌手)曾写过一首赞扬她的歌名字就叫《英格丽褒曼》,但是在他死之前没有找到机会录制它。

6.The grape is usually a woody vine, cpmbing by means of tendrils. In arid regions it may form an almost erect shrub.葡萄通常为木本蔓生植物,藉卷须攀缘,在干旱地区可以长成近乎直立的灌木。

7.In the European Union, carrots must be firm but not woody, cucumbers must not be too curved and celery has to be free of any type of cavity.在欧盟,市场出售的胡萝卜必须脆而不糠,黄瓜也不能太弯,芹菜一点空心都不能有。

8.If it were not for what happened later, it could have been a Woody Allen comedy.要不是因为接下来发生的事情,这差不多可以变成一出伍迪•艾伦的喜剧片了。

9.WOODY ALLEN: No, because when I thought of it for Zero, I thought of it as a part for a fat man.伍迪:没有,因为当时我为泽罗考虑这个人物时,我想到的是让一个肥胖的男人来扮演。

10.Fire seems to have been the critical factor in preventing invasion of the grassland by woody plants.火似乎是阻止木本植物侵入草地的关键因素。