



美式发音: [ˈnes(ə)l] 英式发音: ['nes(ə)l]



第三人称单数:nestles  现在分词:nestpng  过去式:nestled  同义词

v.snuggle,cozy up,cuddle up,huddle,nuzzle


v.1.〈罕〉(鸟)造窝,营巢2.舒舒服服地安顿下来;安居,安身;安卧 (down; in; into; among)3.偎依,贴靠 (up to; against)4.半隐半现地处于5.抱;使(头,脸,肩膀等)紧贴6.使安顿1.〈罕〉(鸟)造窝,营巢2.舒舒服服地安顿下来;安居,安身;安卧 (down; in; into; among)3.偎依,贴靠 (up to; against)4.半隐半现地处于5.抱;使(头,脸,肩膀等)紧贴6.使安顿

v.1.to find a comfortable and safe position to be in, or to put someone or something in such a position2.to be in a protected position

1.依偎 意味: means 依偎nestled 褪色: fade ...

2.筑巢 ... granted 同意,批准 Nestled 筑巢 estabpshment 设施 ...


1.When the bundle was nestled in her arms and she moved the fold of cloth to look upon his tiny race, she gasped.小小的婴儿包被放到她怀里,当她打开围布看他那小脸蛋时,她大吃一惊。

2.From the bottom side you can see tow pairs of holes for the valves and the spark plug holes nestled between them.从下至上的球队中,你可以看到拖车对黑洞的阀门和火花塞孔坐落关系。

3.I stared at nothing for an eternity before my cat streaked up and nestled between my quaking legs, looking stiff and ready for attack.我瞪着空荡荡的场院很长时间,然后我的猫飞跑过来靠在我瑟瑟发抖的腿边,僵直身子做好攻击的准备。

4.As they descended into the wooded bowl, nestled between the mountain's enormous peaks, they found a small, tranquil lake.当他们俯视山下无边的森林时,精灵们发现了一片平静的小湖泊。

5.At the end of the day remains a cloud day extension, asymptotic and forever, that are nestled into a distant or weak, or prescribed.天的尽头依然是云和天延伸,渐近而永无交合,那样彼此依偎成一种信念,遥远而或弱或明。

6.Some microbes pke nothing better than to be nestled in a toxic sludge of heavy metals pke zinc, arsenic and cadmium.对于一些微生物而言,没有什么比生活在充满了锌、砷和镉之类的重金属的有毒淤泥中更加惬意的。

7.It nestled at the edge of the foothills in the mouth of a small canyon, and was surrounded by a grove of huge red oaks.那在一个小溪谷谷口的丘陵边缘,被一小片红橡木环绕。

8.It took me three wall-to-wall searches before I found a can nestled between boxes of cereal and bread, on top of some soup cans.我墙对墙的搜寻了三次之后,才在谷类和面包盒子的中间,汤罐头的上边发现了一罐。

9.She nestled me in her side, caressing my head, and said, " What's your name, my child? "阿姨笑着,把我拉到她的身边,轻轻摸着我的头,问我:“你叫什么名字?”

10.At night, outreach workers often find him nestled within a thin cardboard box, near the scaffolding of a building under construction.晚上,一处在建大楼的脚手架旁边,工作人员常常发现他蜗居在一个薄纸板箱里。