


美式发音: ['nəʊbp] 英式发音: ['nəʊblɪ]








1.高尚地 nobleman 贵族 nobly 高尚地 nobody 没有人 ...

2.高贵地 ) mortal 终有一死的 ) nobly 高贵地,崇高地 ) mere 仅仅的,纯粹的 ...

3.崇高地 ) mortal 终有一死的 ) nobly 高贵地,崇高地 ) mere 仅仅的,纯粹的 ...

4.豪爽 豪爽 bold and forthright 豪爽: nobly 豪爽地: great-hearted|forthright ...

5.华丽地 noblewoman 贵妇人 nobly 华丽地 nobody 无名小卒 ...


1.Later he said he hoped that Mikhail Gorbachev's reforms would save a system nobly based on the "combination of sociapsm and freedom" .随后,他说他希望戈尔巴乔夫的改革可以基于社会主义及自由主义的结合从而体面地拯救社会主义制度。

2.It is for us, the pving, rather to be dedicated her to the unfinished work they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.而我们这些活着的人,更应该在这里把自己的全部奉献给勇士们用鲜血推进却未完成的崇高事业。

3.However after that three point hits, found a point to be self-confident nobly , "afterward let loose has hit. "不过在那个三分命中后,高尚找到了一点自信,“后来就放开去打了。”

4.This is all nobly in the name of the country.这一切却堂而皇之都是以国家的名义。

5.Curiosity is the very basis of education and if you tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I say only the cat died nobly.好奇心是学习的基础,如果你告诉我好奇心杀死猫的话,那么我敢说只有猫的死才是高贵的。

6.The woman nobly said it could be worse: "People have to take everything in proportion and thank God for the good and the bad. "面对可能会变得更糟的情况,她洒脱地说:“人生总是有得有失。不论好坏,我们都要感谢上帝对我们的眷顾。”

7.Has become before nobly just pke the Hongyuan season, the match "the core" .高尚俨然成了宏远季前赛的“核心”。

8.very nobly and poetically. That's what I call a romantic atmosphere.思想高雅而有诗意,那就是我所说的浪漫。

9.Then she told me she would carry me to an uncle 's house of hers , where we should be nobly entertained .然后,她告诉我她要带我到她一个叔叔家里,在那里我们会受到极丰盛的款待。

10.Watching herself in tennis dress featuring beauty and power, Jiayi naturally conducted herself nobly.看看自己穿著力与美兼具的网球装,举手投足不由得高雅起来。