




1.网易 百度( Baidu) 网易( NetEase) 新蛋( newegg) ...

2.网易公司 聚友网( MY SPACE) 网易佳人有约( NETEASE) 知己交友网( ZHIJI) ...

6.网易新闻 中央日报 Central Daily News 网易新闻 NetEase 华讯新闻网 Taiwan Today News ...


1.Last week, Netease appeared ready to provide WoW service to the mainland, but gamers see no sign of a reopening.上周,网易声称已经可以在内地运营《魔兽世界》,但玩家们仍没有见到重新开服的征兆。

2.Before before long, media heads for Zhejiang lake city to interview, did not find the hoggery of Netease in place.前不久,有媒体前往浙江湖州采访,在当地没有找到网易的养猪场。

3.And before shake game industry before long " demon animal world " easy advocate incident, netease becomes protagonist once more.而前不久震动游戏业界的《魔兽世界》易主事件,网易再度成为主角。

4.It has poor achieving in Blog, NetEase began to search for other new field for profit.博客未能发力,心猿意马的网易便开始侧重于搜索的研发。

5.Content of profit from game upgrades and have agglutinant game group, netease is able to lengthen the pfecycle of its myth game.得益于游戏内容升级和具有粘性的游戏群体,网易得以延长其神话游戏的生命周期。

6."This was a trip that sold out the interests of the people of the whole nation, " wrote one commentator on the popular Netease portal.流行门户网站网易(Netease)上的一个贴子写道:“这是一次出卖全国人民利益的访问。”

7.Netease also denied a competitor baleful to its undermine the foundation and in respect of law law plan of proper sex censure.网易也否认了竞争对手对其恶意挖墙脚以及在法律法规方面正当性的指责。

8.Netease is happy, ding Lei laughs very agptter , cuddle of tremendous a ready source of money is in the bosom.网易乐了,丁磊笑得很灿烂,巨大的摇钱树搂在怀中。

9.'Give Chinese people enough to eat, and there's nothing they won't do, ' wrote a Netease reader from Henan province.河南省一个网易用户写到,中国人吃饱了就是什么都干的出来!

10.the strength of Tencent, Netease, gold onpne, Guotai Junan stocks used in simulation platform.实力雄厚腾讯、网易、中金在线、国泰君安使用的模拟炒股平台。