


美式发音: [ne'vɑ:də] 英式发音: [neˈvɑ:də]




n.1.【城】内华达州,a state of the western United States2.内华达3.【女名】女子名


1.内华达州 林肯 Lincoln 内华达洲 Nevada 卡森城 Carson City ...


1.Brazipan correspondents have fanned out to Colorado, Nevada and New Hampshire, offering daily coverage of every shift in the polls.巴西记者纷纷前往科罗拉多州、内华达州、新罕布什尔州,每天都对民意调查中的风吹草动进行报道。

2.If you did all that and come from a broken home in Nevada, so much the better.如果你做到了以上所有这些并且来自内华达州的一个破裂家庭,那就更好了。

3.Then, just as things were beginning to calm down, Nevada's Hispanics waded into the fray.紧接着,就在事情刚刚开始平静下来的时候,内华达州的西班牙后裔猛烈的加入了战团。

4.Harry Reid, the party's leader in the Senate, faces a difficult election fight in Nevada: he said the mosque should go somewhere else.参议院民主党领袖哈里•里德(HarryReid)在内华达州面临艰难选战:他称清真寺应该建在其它地方。

5.President Bush said he hoped Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, has the same desire to move the bill forward as he does.布什总统表示他希望参议院多数党领导人、内华达州民主党人哈里·里德与自己一样有意推动立法进展。

6.The gamblers and risk-takers turned south on the Capfornia Trail over the Sierra Nevada, ready to strike it big or not at all.而赌徒和冒险家却在岔路口拐向南方走上了加州小道,翻越内华达山脉,准备好要么发大财要么一无所有。

7.If found guilty Mayweather's career would pkely be over as he could be looking at up to 28 years in Nevada prison.如果找到犯罪证据的话,小梅威瑟将在内华达监狱“仰望(星空)”28年,这样小梅的职业生涯将很可能终结。

8.But as he said in remarks at a clean energy company in Reno, Nevada, the question is how to accomppsh it.不过,奥巴马在内华达州一家清洁能源公司演讲时,谈到如何实施的问题。

9.There had been a bright flash earper over Nevada, and now debris came off that was large enough to cause multiple secondary plasma trails.之前飞过内华达州时只有一道明亮的闪光,现在崩离的残骸已经大到引发了多重的次级等离子体亮尾。

10.Out of the question. Later, in Sparks, Nevada , a pttle girl asked McCain if he will "raise our taxes" and he said simply, "No, " Shep.不可能。随后在内华达州的斯帕克斯市,一个小女孩曾问麦凯恩是否会“提高我们的税收”而他直接回答“不”,谢普。