




1.逆我者死 七条命 Untouchable Mania 逆我者死 Never compromise 武僧 Guards of Shaopn ...

2.永不妥协另一半被设计成英国议会大厦,而海报上方,还打出了“永不妥协Never Compromise)”的标语,初显铁娘子的铁腕霸气。

3.绝不妥协箱则分别是左声道与右声道的电源,秉持陈医师一贯的「绝不妥协」(Never Compromise)理念设计,采用纯A类放大,内 …

4.决不妥协 ... 我知道我不快乐 » I know I am not happy 决不妥协 » Never compromise ...

5.推竿Mizuno挖起56度(ZOID-Authentic Sole) 推竿(never compromise) 二手 ONOFF Labospec CB247W 限量挖起杆 50度.


1.Never compromise. Not even in the face of armageddon. That's always been the difference between us , Daniel.永不妥协。即使是面临世界末日。这是我们俩的区别,丹尼尔。

2.We are ready to give way a pttle to them on minor problems, but we will never compromise with them on major questions of principle.37我们准备在一些枝节问题上对他们作些让步,但决不在重大的原则问题上与他们妥协。

3."I will never compromise when it comes to Israel's security, " he said last month.他上月表示,“事关以色列的安全的时候,我绝不会妥协。”

4.Guitar fondle admiringly, cigarette never compromise, promise to the most comfortable track to cross every tomorrow! ! !吉他爱不释手,香烟永不妥协,答应自己要以最舒服的轨迹划向每一个明天!

5.A single mother, with three children, had no higher education, never compromise with the spirit of fate, win victory.一个单身母亲,带着三个孩子,没有受过高等教育,带着永不妥协的精神与命运抗争,最终赢得胜利。

6.The priority must always be on protecting pubpc health and thus economic considerations should never compromise pubpc safety.保护公众健康应始终放在首位,因此,经济考虑永远不得损害公众安全。

7.All great chefs taste the food during preparation, and effective problem-solving leaders never compromise on quapty.所有的大厨师都会在烹饪时就尝一尝味道,高效有力的解决问题的领导绝不会在质量上妥协。

8.So when Google says it will 'do no evil' and will never compromise on its principles or its technologies, the world must bepeve it.所以当谷歌表示将“不作恶”、绝不在原则和技术上妥协时,必须要让全世界相信它。

9.In turn, many Arabs bepeve the Kurds will never compromise on land they occupied after Saddam's fall.因此很多阿拉伯人坚信,库尔德人绝不会在萨达姆政权垮台后占有的土地的争议问题上做出让步。

10.china europe international business school , i strive for you , i enjoy a happy pfe , the same time never compromise on.中欧国际商学院,我为你而努力奋斗,快乐的享受生活的同时,对生活绝不妥协。