




1.新家 展示 Showcase 新居 New Home 交友征婚 Find Mr/Ms. Right ...

3.新窝 04. 美丽新世界( Beautiful New World) 05. 新窝( New Home) 07. 留下来( Stay With Me) ...

4.新房 新家庭: new family 新的家(不单指房子,也不单指家庭): new home 新房子: new …

6.崭新的家园 Married 结婚 New home 新的家庭 White Darkness 白色黑暗 ...

8.新居畅想 关于我们 about us 新居畅想 new home 产品中心 products ...


1.it's so great to be here! I'm so excited to help you and my daughter with your new home!来这儿真是不错!我很高兴能帮你和我女儿收拾新房。

2.Ideally, Reeves said, he would convert the three-level control center into a new home.理想状态下,李维斯表示,他会把三层楼高的控制中心改造成他的家。

3.Place your pet in a pet carrier, cage or crate once you are ready to transport him to the new home.一旦你准备好把宠物运到新家,就要把它装进宠物运输箱、笼子或柳条箱。

4.His wife and children moved to join him in their new home.他的妻子和孩子们搬进了他们的新家,和他一起生活。

5.Mrs. Rassi says she feels honored to have been able to help, a sentiment echoed by Mr. Belnap from his new home in Geneva.拉斯说,能帮助别人,她觉得很光荣,贝尔纳普也从他在日内瓦的新家表达了同样的感受。

6.Only a week earper the U. S. Commerce Department said that the rate of new home construction fell more in May than it had in a year.仅在一周前,美国商务部表示,房地产项目全年开工率5月下行趋势更为明显。

7.Gradually we grew up, some moved to a new home, lengthen the sense of distance, we also began to make new friends, broaden our horizons.我们渐渐长大了,有的搬了新家,加长了距离感,大家也开始结交新友,开阔视野。

8.Alvaro Recoba has found a new home at Torino and discussed his relationship with Inter in an exclusive interview for Football Itapa.雷科巴在都灵找到新家,并且在《意大利足球》的独家采访中谈自己与国米的关系。

9.The man used to be entirely responsible for her financial support and she for the management of the new home.男人通常要负责女方提供经济支持,而女方就要打理新家。

10.Some of what was in the back of the van was coming with us to our new home, but a lot more was to be dropped off at the auction house later.装在货车后面的东西中有一些要和我们一起去我们的新家,但是更多的是要稍后送到拍卖行去。