




1.除我以外没别人 prep. 除…以外 no one but me 除我以外没别人 all but 几乎 ...

2.我独自一人 A simple pttle kind of free 这是某种意义上的自由 No one but me 我独自一人 And that's all I need 这正是我想要得 ...

3.非我莫属 7. 及 时 拥 抱 Hugging in Time 9. 非 我 莫 属 No One But Me 10. 心 里 有 数 Know it In My Heart ...


1.There is no one but me and a few of my friends who go to both graves. Some people think it's a bad idea. Some people think it's heroic.我和我的几个朋友会去看望那些墓,不管是红,还是蓝。有人觉得这不是个好注意。也有人觉得这很侠肝义胆。

2.On this side a paddy-field, no one but me.这边就一块稻田,唯我一人。

3.So, in 2010, I am going to try to pve my Real Life, and to better own and protect my truth that no one but me can dictate.所以,在2010年,我会尽量去享受真实生活,更好的去拥有和保护我们自己的理念。

4.Until then, no one but me knew anything about it.直到那时,除了我还没有人了解此事。

5.No one but me passed the exam yesterday.昨天除了我以外没别人考及格。

6.There is no one but me.这里除我之外没有别人。

7.No one but me can do it well.除了我,谁也不能把这事做好。

8.No one but me saw him.除了我之外,没人看到他。

9.Don't wanna be No One But me.只要是别人,我都愿意!

10.And make you want no one but me.让你只需要我。