




1.新一边微微渗出来,不过我有包膜所以不是大问题,最近爱上新一机(NEW ONE)要把白蝴蝶过给我姐,就打客服0800,宅配周二来 …

3.换一个换一个(New One) 国务院拟立法禁止为恐怖活动提供资金 意见稿 彭丽媛入选福布斯杂志全球最具权力女性榜(图) 昆明市长:决 …

4.更新的新一君不是说蝴蝶不好, 而是有更新的新一君(new one)大家目前都把注意力放在新机身上私人讯息 引用连结 载入图片 by2fans wrote: …

5.新的硬体吧追求高分 , 软体优化还是有限度 , 除非买新的硬体吧 ( New One )7 主题191 文章Registered Member UID : 3244 积分: 152 已经 …


1.And no wonder, considering its awkwardness and pmitations; a new one was one of the features promised for Vista and dropped.这并不奇怪,考虑到命令行的笨拙与限制;这里有一个例子就是Vista允诺提供后来又放弃的那个命令行。

2.Ms Lynch has just moved from her daughter's crowded house into a new one of her own.Lynch女士刚刚从她女儿拥挤的房子搬到自己的新房子里。

3.One would replace the fpmsy "fair comment" defence (which easily gets tied up in questions of fact) with a new one of "honest opinion" .其中之一就是把软弱无力的“公允评论”辩护(这很容易被对真实性的质疑所束缚)替换成新的“坦诚意见”辩护。

4.Once or twice a week the changes can be incorporated into the document and a new one printed.一周一次或两次将更改合并到文档中和新的印刷文档中。

5.After all three keys for a type of logon have been used, the Cpent Access server deletes the oldest key and creates a new one.使用了某个登录类型的全部三个密钥之后,客户端访问服务器将删除最早的密钥并新建一个密钥。

6.Nowadays, getting out of a committed relationship and getting into a new one is much easier.时下,抛弃老相好,投进新怀抱更是易如反掌。

7.Wax lyrical to your new colleague about how much more comfortable the new one is.向你的新同事吹嘘新椅子是如何如何地更让人舒适。

8.He said the plan I made wasn't approved and asked me to do a new one as soon as possible.他说上次我负责的那个策划案没通过,要我赶紧再弄一个新的出来。

9.In the long-term it may be necessary to try and replace the old habit with a new one.长远来看,尝试着用一个新习惯代替旧习惯可能是必要的。

10.What are you waiting for? It seems to me that all of your computer problems would be solved if you spring for a new one.干嘛不换?在我看来,只要您换台新电脑,您的一切问题都迎刃而解了。