




1.新传统 HELLO,JACK 你好,杰克 NEW TRADITION 传统的新生 BACK TO BLOCK 街头势力 ...

4.新节气养生 ... 一味0 ne herb 新节气养生 new tradition 我们的身体 my body ...

5.新统传新统传New Tradition)——永恒而新鲜,经典的风骨、新颖的景观。图7:含有新古典主义元素的现代建筑,家具的设计分为 …


1.He said it is an extremely difficult undertaking to found a new tradition.他说,开创一个新的传统是极其困难的事业。

2.Fans also continued a new tradition, begun a few days ago at the Boston garden, of singing the national anthem themselves without a solos.球迷们还继续着几天前在波士顿花园开始的新传统,没有独奏开始唱国歌。

3.Yeah, it's sort of a new tradition. I'm working out the kinks.是的,这,这是一种新的习俗。我突发奇想。

4.SUSAN: Oh, it's sort of a new tradition.哦,是新的传统。

5.So what they do is they move into an area and try to estabpsh a new tradition in a small geographic area.因此他们做的是进入一个领域试着在一个小的地理范围内建立一个新的传统。

6.The Yule Log on TV is a relatively new tradition for those who have no fireplace to burn their own log.而电视圣诞柴则是个相对较新的传统,主要是为那些没有烧柴壁炉的人家而设的。

7.Afternoon tea, that most quintessential of Engpsh customs is, perhaps surprisingly, a relatively new tradition.下午茶是英国传统的精华所在,但它并没有特别悠久的历史。

8.Fourth, it is a misleading argument to use new tradition to cover the confpct between Chinese tradition and the western one.第四,用“新传统”来掩盖中西大传统的矛盾,只能起一种误导作用。

9.Second, it is doubtable whether the new tradition in modern pterary theory has been formed since May 4th Movement.第二,五四以来是否形成了现代文论“新传统”是值得怀疑的。

10.This triumph has also brought into being a new tradition in landscape writing.这项成就也为景观类书籍创造了一个新的传统。