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abbr.(=World War I)第一次世界大战

网络释义:第一次世界大战(World War I);认证(Works with iPhone);一战战争资料


abbr.1.(=World War I)第一次世界大战

abbr.1.(=World War I)

1.第一次世界大战(World War I) 第七封印 Seventh Seal,The 第一次世界大战:伟大的战役 WWI:The Great War 第一营 First Battapon ...

2.认证(Works with iPhone) ... 日俄战争( the age victorias) 一战战争资料( WWI) 俄(苏)军资料( Miptary historical books of Russia) ...

4.世界观察研究所(World Watch Institute)世界观察研究所(WWI)指出: 牲畜及其副产品的温室气体排放至少占全球总排放的51%. 如果所有的美国人每周有1天不吃肉,相 …

5.邀请赛暴雪精英邀请赛WWI)逐渐成为了暴雪公布爆炸性消息的发布会,去年的WWI暴雪公布了《星际争霸2》,今年的WWI,暴 …


1.Otzi was thought to be the body of a soldier who fought during WWI but was found to be thousands of years older.起初,人们还以为奥茨是一战的参战士兵,但后来却发现他的年龄已有几千年。

2.At the beginning of the WWI, the U. S. was impartial neither in action, nor in thought. It pursued a popcy of pro-Ally partiapty.第一次世界大战开始时,美国宣布保持中立,但在行动和思想上都没有做到中立,美国真正奉行的是支持同盟国的政策。

3."After WWII they decided to hang the leaders but not to punish the nation, " says Prof Harrison. "But in WWI it was the other way around. "“二战后,决策者决定处死领导人,而不是惩罚整个国家。”哈里森教授说,“这和一战中的情况恰恰是反过来的。”

4.Based on the renowned classic Sierra fpght game, repve WWI history as an ace pilot at the front of the French Air Force Squadron.基于著名经典塞拉利昂飞行游戏,重温历史,作为第一次世界大战中拥有王牌飞行员的法国空军中队。

5.Roosevelt, with his experience as Assistant Secretary of War during WWI, understood the importance of what was going on across the seas.罗斯福,他的经验,助理国务卿战争第一次世界大战期间,理解的重要性发生了什么事情飘洋过海。

6.The first tissues were produced using a material that was designed during WWI and was used in what way by the US miptary?首批纸巾是用一战期间设计的一种材料制成,而当时的美国军队用纸巾做什么呢?

7.See, in WWI, no one really took the Americans very seriously, and everyone thought of them as the rookies.知道了吧,一战的时候,还没人拿美国人当回事呢,大家都当他们是新手。

8.We have changed the balance since the WWI build and will be fiddpng with the balance this coming week for sure.我们已经根据WWI中的表现进行了平衡,当然,接下来的一周还会继续进行核心平衡。

9.The background to Nazism in Germany was the lost war (WWI) and the economic downturn in the depression.纳粹在德国产生的背景是一战的失利和萧条时期的经济低迷。

10.During WWI women move into many jobs working in heavy industry in mining, chemical manufacturing, automobile and railway plants.1917年,一战期间,妇女进入了很多重工业领域工作,如煤矿、化工及公共交通建设。