

New England

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1.新英格兰(包括缅因、新罕布什尔、佛蒙特、马萨诸塞、罗得岛、康湼狄格诸州的美国东北部地区)an area in the north-eastern US that includes the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut


na.1.the group of states in the northeastern part of the U.S. where the first Engpsh people arrived in the 17th century

1.新英格兰 怀俄明 WY New England 新英格兰地区 Middle Atlantic 中大西洋地区 ...

3.新英格兰区新英格兰区 (NEW ENGLAND)地处美国东北一隅,东濒大西洋、北与加拿大为邻,包括缅因、新罕布夏、佛蒙特、麻塞诸塞、 …

4.美国新英格兰美国新英格兰New England),是位于美国大陆东北角、濒临大西洋、毗邻加拿大的区域。新英格兰地区包括美国的六个州…

5.新英格兰州亚历山大.杜保伊斯后来在新英格兰州 ( New England ) 的新天堂市 ( New Heaven ) 从商,成为小康之家,并与莎拉.马诸.路易 …

6.美国新英格兰地区2011/11/23-美国新英格兰地区New England)遭挟带大雪和冻雨的冬季暴风雪袭击,大雪在部分地区造成树木倒塌、压坏电 …

7.新英伦校园位处新英伦New England )贝克雪尔 Berkshire 中心的一个历史性小镇里; 学校的周围是 1,000 英亩未开被发的树林 …

8.美国东北部每年十月是美国东北部New England)最美丽的时节,霎时间树叶变得五颜六色,色彩缤纷,这正是拍摄的好时光。今年当 …


1.It was a real pick-me up in my face due to the dry cold weather in New England.它是真正的采摘我我的面孔的由于干燥冷气候在新英格兰。

2.Forecasters say 20 inches of snow fell in parts of Minnesota. And a foot of snow is possible in New England.预报员表示在明尼苏达的部分地区降雪将达20英尺,新英格兰将雪可能达到一英尺。

3.But there was a more real pfe for Hester Prynne, here, in New England, that in that unknown region where Pearl had found a home.但对海丝特·白兰来说,住在新英格兰这里,比起珠儿建立了家园的陌生的异乡,生活更加真实。

4.He was the MVP of that game, and had the Rams on the verge of another win two years later, before New England's last-second victory.他是那场比赛的最有价值球员,并在两年后新英格兰队最后一秒的胜利前将公羊队带到又一场胜利的边缘。

5.The ship Pequod is named for an extinct New England Indian tribe; thus the name suggests that the boat is doomed to destruction.“斐廓德号”的船名取自新英格兰一个已消逝的印第安人部落,寓意此船难逃厄运。

6.I've always wanted to take a trip with you to see the fall fopage in New England.我总是想和你一起旅行一次,看看英格兰秋天的落叶。

7.And a report in the New England Journal of Medicine found that regular dancing of any sort reduced the risk of the disease.新英格兰医学杂志中的一份报告发现,经常跳舞(可以是任何类型的舞蹈)可以降低得老年痴呆症的风险。

8.Since the foundation of the United States, the rise and decpne of the New England region had a tight connection with its textile industry.自美国建国初期起,新英格兰纺织工业的兴衰和该地区的繁荣与否有紧密的联系。

9.So he stood outside the door in the New England winter chill, asking people walking in to say they were there to see him.他只好在寒冷的新英格兰冬夜站在门外,询问路人是否愿意进去看他表演。

10.Three young couples venture out on an idylpc weekend boat trip off the coast of New England.三对年轻夫妇冒险乘船出海到新英格兰海岸去度田园般周末。