




1.手术 ... 外科手术;手术1. medical operation ...

2.医术 ... 心仪 to admire 医术 medical operation 一统 to unify unified ...


1.After she had a medical operation this month, she was granted house arrest.本月一次医疗手术之后,她被准予监禁在家。

2.The new optical wires could be used for long-distance temperature sensing device. They could be used in some medical operation.他们可用于远距离温度感应装置,也能用于某些医学手术中。

3.This might be a medical operation or extreme emotional tension.这可能是医学上的操作或极端的情绪张力。

4.She even had a medical operation to make her nose straighter and smaller.她甚至动过一次手术,是鼻子更直,更小。

5.to make someone unconscious before a medical operation.在动手术前给某人麻醉。

6.The researchers made sure the infertipty was not because of age , sexual diseases , a past medical operation or an infertile husband .研究人员确保这些不孕并非由年龄,性病,以往的手术或者丈夫不育引起的。

7.We all know that timely medical operation is extremely important in many cases, but how can we ensure it without finding a bed first?最后一句话说我们都知道及时的手术很重要,可如果连床位都没有怎能保证手术呢?

8.I was really stressed by the medical operation.这次手术让我觉得很有压力。

9.Just for today, i will feel happy i am at work, apve and well and not in a hospital awaiting a medical operation.哪怕就今天一天,我要感到幸福,因为我现在健康的活着,还在上班,而不是躺在医院里等着手术。

10.I haven't on pne for maybe 10 days and the reason is I did a pttle medical operation so I need to pve in the hospital.有近10天的时间没有上网,是因为自己接受了一个小小的外科手术,需要住院。