

next month

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1.下个月 the next week 第二个星期 next month 下个月 the following month 第二个月 ...

2.下月 (by the year) 每年 (next month) 下月 IIATA=International Air Transport Association 国际航空运输协会 ...

3.下一个月 last month 上月// next month 下一个月// the month before last 上上个月// ...

4.出月 ... month,moon 月 next month 出 月 month after month 累 月 ...

5.下个月满一百零一岁 ... If she had pved,she'd be over 100 by now. 如果还活着 不是有一百多岁 101 next month. 下个月满一百零一岁 ...

6.显示下个月的时间 "next week" 显示下周的时间 "next month" 显示下个月的时间 "fortnight" 显示二周后的时间 ...


1."I'd pke it to be next month, but it depends on how fast we develop the market here, " he tells me through a Mandarin interpreter.“我也想下个月就开始,但它取决于我们在这里开拓市场的速度,”他通过普通话翻译跟我说。

2.The one person who apparently is the chairwoman cheerfully tells you that this panel is replacing your doctor for the next month.那位显然是组长的女士热情地告诉你,这个月由该小组代替医生看病。

3.It was only when she posted her status on Facebook that her friends advised her to look out her mobile phone bill next month.只是在她把她的情况放在放在Facebook上以后,她的朋友建议她下个月查一下她的话费账单。

4.Management have rejected the idea of a private equity buy-out, but have still been forced to call an EGM to explain themselves next month.Stork管理层拒绝了让一家私人股本完全收购的主意,但仍然被迫在下月召集特别股东大会(EGM),就自己的决定做出解释。

5.Next month , she'll go before Guinness World Records officials to see how she sizes up for a Guinness world record title .下个月,她将在吉尼斯世界纪录认证官员面前走台步,看看自己能否获得一个吉尼斯世界纪录的头衔。

6.I am writing to you to ask about the meeting to be held next month.写信给您大听一下下月会议事宜。

7.I'm due to fly back to the United States on Friday report to my boss next week attend a conference in London next month.我预定星期五乘机返回美国。下周乘机回去向老板报告。下个月乘机回伦敦开会。

8.Beckham's contract is due to expire next month, but he insisted that it had not affected him in the build-up to the MLS Cup final.下个月贝克汉姆的合同就到期了,但他表示这不会影响自己备战总决赛的状态。

9.Sure, the president will turn up in London next month for a two-day photo-call with the Queen at Buckingham Palace.诚然,奥巴马下月将前往伦敦,在白金汉宫与英国女王一起进行为期两天的国事会晤。

10.Mr Rato said he expected to be given a clear mandate to implement a two-stage reform at the fund's annual meeting next month in Singapore.拉托表示,自己期望得到明确授权,以便在下个月的IMF新加坡年会上开始实施两阶段改革计划。