





3.耐世特汽车转向器公司dustries Inc.)、中航工业汽车公司收购耐世特汽车转向器公司Nexteer)。

4.耐世特公司  日前,在密歇根州 萨吉诺市(Saginaw)耐世特公司(Nexteer)总部,太平洋(601099,股吧)世纪正式完成通用旗下转向业务部门耐世特…


1.Nexteer will benefit from $71m in state tax credits over the next decade, as well as generous municipal tax abatements.未来10年期间,Nexteer将享受到7100万美元的州税务减免,以及慷慨的市政税务减免。

2.The United Auto Workers smoothed the way for the Nexteer acquisition by agreeing to sizeable concessions, including a wage cut.全美汽车工人联合会(UnitedAutoWorkers,UAW)在Nexteer收购交易中做出了很大让步,包括同意减薪。

3.The automaker bought the business from Troy, Michigan-based Delphi as GM's former parts unit emerged from bankruptcy in October.通用汽车前零部件部门于去年10月摆脱破产时,通用汽车从密西根州特洛伊市的德尔福集团购入Nexteer。

4."We bepeve Nexteer is capable of becoming the most influential and powerful suppper in the world. "“我们相信Nexteer有能力成为世界上最具影响力、最强大的供应商。”

5.Tempo was also part of the group that bought Nexteer.天宝也参与了收购Nexteer的财团。

6.Nexteer employs thousands of people in Michigan.耐仕特在密歇根州雇佣了数千人。

7.Nexteer had $2. 1 bilpon in revenue in 2008, almost half of it from GM.Nexteer在2008年的收入为21亿美元,其中近一半来自通用汽车。

8.The firm is adding 100 engineering jobs this year.今年Nexteer新添了100个工程工作岗位。

9.The US carmaker last year told its supppers that it would sell it when market conditions improved.通用汽车去年就告诉供应商,将在市场状况转好时出售Nexteer。

10.The unit has 6, 200 employees, 22 manufacturing sites and 60 global customers.Nexteer拥有6200名员工、22个生产工厂、60家全球客户。