



美式发音: [ˈoʊdər] 英式发音: [ˈəʊdə(r)]



复数:odors  搭配同义词

adj.+n.strong odor

v.+n.emit odor,detect odor,produce odor




n.1.<AmE>Same as odour2.a smell, especially one that is unpleasant3.a particular atmosphere, influence, or quapty

1.气味omous migration)路线是靠其嗅觉辨别气味(odors)为依据,鲑鱼对其幼小孵化区中水的气味留存印记(imprinting)并终身难忘。

2.臭味机化合物 (VOC)、危险空气污染物 (HAP)、臭味(Odors)、其他有毒气体,同时废热回收以节省能源消耗。

3.味道 ... odor and taste 香味 odors 香臭 of 之 ...


1.Ten percent of its genes are dedicated to making it a champion connoisseur of odors, mostly unpleasant.它有百分之十的专用基因是鉴别气味的好手,特别是针对不愉快的气味。

2.Use a few drops in an oil burner or lamp ring to mask unpleasant odors or to bring the scents of Asia into your home.加几滴广霍香精油到基底油中熏香,可以遮盖不愉快的气味,也可以给你的家里带来一种亚洲的气息。

3.To control odors, just sprinkle a bit of baking soda over the diapers or use Pail Pals.为了消除臭味,你只要在尿布上撒一些发酵粉或使用隔尿垫。

4.Dogs are known for a strong sense of smell. Their noses can be trained to identify different odors.狗嗅觉灵敏众所周知,狗的鼻子经过训练后可以识别各种不同气味。

5.A novel composite biofilter patent technique has been used to treat odors produced by municipal sopd wastes in this paper.笔者采用自主开发的复合生物滤池专利技术处理垃圾恶臭气体。

6.Brown bears have an extremely keen sense of smell and can detect odors up to a mile away!棕色的熊对气味十分敏感,能在1.6公里外就闻到气味!

7.Recently this has included methane odors in San Diego, a huge fissure in Arizona, and yet another Mississippi bridge needing repair.最近这包括圣地亚哥的甲烷气味,亚利桑那的巨大裂缝,还有密西西比河上另一座桥需要修理。

8.A. Patients should avoid odors or foods that seem to be aggravating the nausea.病人需要避免接触会加重恶心的气味或食物。

9.Essential oil Any of a number of volatile OILS secreted by aromatic plants that are the source of characteristic odors or tastes.芳香植物分泌的多种挥发性油通称香精油,它具有特殊的臭味或香味。

10.Indoor composting can be a bit tricky, as the odors associated with the process can, well, soil the mood.室内分解(废弃物)会产生一个棘手的问题,臭气味会伴随着分解过程的进行而产生,这会破坏你的好心情。