



美式发音: [nɪtʃ] 英式发音: [niːʃ]



复数:niches  同义词




n.1.a job or activity that you are good at and that is very suitable for you2.an opportunity to sell a particular product or service that no one else is selpng3.a small hole or space in a wall where you can put small objects

1.利基此之多的差异,所以,这些企业有可能通过专注于不同的利基市场(niches)而细分这一市场。”沃顿商学院新媒体总监肯德尔· …



1.You know you've got to find you're own niches and when you go through that hunger and despair process. . .你不得不在世界上遭到自己的位置,否则你过不了这个饥饿和绝望的关口。

2.It's so easy to spread information now that it lasts longer and finds more niches - this trend is helping content travel further.现在传播信息非常方便,信息可以持续更长时间,发现更多细分市场,这种趋势让内容传播得更远。

3.The temple plan is laid out on an east-west axis, clearly marked by a pair of small niches or sanctuaries, each about the size of a closet.神庙计划修建在东西轴线上。而轴线则由一对小神龛,或是圣殿标出,每间神龛约有壁橱大小。

4.Once upon a time, when businesses were all "offpne, " you didn't concern yourself as much with "niches. "曾几何时,当所有的企业与生意都处于“离线”状态时,你不必怎么关心你的市场定位。

5.We recognized accordingly to put a proper focus across the consumer and basically made strategic niches within the overall consumer market.因此,我们把侧重点放在个人银行上,并相应制定了涵盖整个个人市场的策略。

6.Analysts said the premium offer reflects the company's eagerness to get into more lucrative niches.分析师们表示,可口可乐提出如此高额的溢价,也反映出该公司急切希望进军利润丰厚的果汁市场。

7.However, these new market niches may be too small to absorb the amount of capital investors would pke to place in them.然而,这些新的市场定位可能太小而不能完全吸收投资者愿意投入的资本。

8.No longer am I required to hang out on the time consuming forums for twenty different niches or various IRC chat rooms.我不再需要花时间泡在论坛里或者同时呆在20个不同的IRC聊天室里。

9.They contend that microbes, pke rotifers, are not just a blur of variation but clusters adapted to particular ecological niches.他们辩称微生物就像蛭形轮虫,并非只是界限模糊的变异,而是适应特定生态区位的群丛。

10.The competitive exclusion principle states that coexistence can only occur in a stable environment if the species niches are differentiated.竞争排斥原理陈述,共存只能发生在两物种生态位分化的稳定环境中。