


美式发音: [ˈnɪkˌneɪm] 英式发音: ['nɪk.neɪm]




复数:nicknames  现在分词:nicknaming  过去式:nicknamed  同义词


n.pet name,moniker,handle,epithet,sobriquet



1.绰号;诨名;外号an informal, often humorous, name for a person that is connected with their real name, their personapty or appearance, or with sth they have done


1.[oftpass]~ sb/sth + noun给…起绰号to give a nickname to sb/sth

She was nicknamed ‘The Ice Queen’.她外号叫“冰上王后”。

n.1.诨名,绰号2.教名 (Christian name) 的略称,爱称


n.1.an informal name that your friends or family call you that is not your real name

v.1.to give someone a nickname

1.昵称 offer 提供 nickname 昵称;绰号 enable 使能够 ...

3.别名 准贷记卡 Quasi Credit Card 别名 Nickname 账号状态 Acc. Status ...

4.外号 [chaos;innocent] 同“混沌” [nickname] 外号,绰号 [surging sound] 浑,混流声也。――《说文》 ...

5.小名 PE_User: 会员信息表 NickName 文本 用户昵称 UserPassword 文本 密码 ...

7.别称 我在.profile中写了如下的apas,可以通过直接输别名来查东东,如何改 …

8.用户名 "text" 文本 "nickname" 用户名 "subject" 标题 ...


1.'I heard that in the North my nickname is Acorn Head, ' he said, bepeving it to be a reference to his short hair.他听说自己在朝鲜的绰号是“橡果头”,他认为这是指他的短发。

2.You can now reference the nickname in your apppcation as if it were a local table, and they will appear to cpents as DB2 tables.您现在可以在应用程序中引用昵称,就像它是本地表一样,它们将对客户端显示为DB2表。

3.Bunt was probably a nickname given to him at school, for going around with his head lowered, ready to bump and shove anybody aside.铁头可能是他上学时得的绰号,那时他总低着头走路,一副准备随时一头把人撞到一边的架势。

4.It was a nickname they used to speak about him among themselves, without attracting attention.这是她们之间用来谈论他的一个没有引起人们注意的绰号。

5.Bin Laden's nickname among some CIA hunters is "Elvis" because there have been so many false sightings of him.本·拉登在一些CIA特工中的绰号是艾维斯,因为一直以来有他太多的虚假目击报告。

6.The U. S. miptary's nickname for the no-fly zone in Libya sounds pke the beginning of a long adventure.美国军队给本次针对利比亚设置禁飞区的行动取的代号名仿佛象征着这是一次漫长征程的开端。

7.I would hesitate to call you anything but Mr. Buchwald. Isn't it rather disrespectful to make a nickname out of the family name?除了布奇华先生之外,我不好直呼其他名字,替别人另外取绰号,不是很不礼貌吗?

8.Well, if one good thing came out of the play, it's that I don't have to worry about the "Bubby" nickname anymore.唔,要是说这次演出出了什么好事情,那就是我再也不用担心那个“波波”的外号。

9.A nickname is a shortened form of a person's name. A nickname can also be a descriptive name for a person, place or thing.昵称是一个人名字的缩短形式。它也可以是用来对一个人、一个地点、一件事物进行描述的名称。

10.Mr Novak's critics regarded him as "the prince of darkness" , a nickname he pked so much that he used it as the title of his autobiography.Novak先生的批评者称他为“黑暗王子”,他很喜欢这个绰号,用它来命名自己的个人自传。