


美式发音: [niˈkoʊl] 英式发音: [niˈkəul]





1.妮可 香水 Nez A Nez 妮可 Nicole 晚香玉坚果 Noix De Tubereuse ...

2.尼科尔 Erin 埃尔伦(女名) Nicole 尼科尔(女名) Emipo 艾米利奥(男名) ...

3.尼可 Nicola 妮可拉……胜利 Nicole 妮可……胜利者 Nora 诺拉……第九个孩子 ...

7.妮歌 C19-Laura 劳拉·詹姆斯 C13-Nicole 妮歌·福克斯 C14-Krista 克里斯塔·怀特 ...

8.妮可尔  作为一位体育电视节目主持人,理查德·蒙坦诺(RichardMontao)很难找到时间与他的妻子妮可尔(Nicole)和三个年幼的孩子呆在 …


1.Nicole Kidman was taken to hospital Wednesday night after being involved in an accident on the set of her latest film, The Invasion.周三妮可·基德曼在拍摄她的新片“TheInvasion”的现场不幸出车祸,当晚被送至医院接受检查。

2.Nicole: They want me to start at the beginning of next month. I'll be happy to help find my replacement.妮可:他们要我在下个月初开始上班。我很乐意帮忙找接替我的人。

3.Nicole Walsh, the owner of Body Mind Life yoga studio , said she had not experienced the injury rate found in the survey.“身体、心灵、生活”瑜珈练习室的主人尼科尔·沃尔什说她从没有遇到过像调查中那么高的受伤比例。

4.To the despair of her teachers, Nicole never does the work that she's told him to do.尼科尔从来不做布置给他的作业,令老师们感到很失望。

5."She's a bit of a perfectionist, " Nicole explained.“这个孩子有点完美主义,”妮可解释称。

6.SCREEN beauty Nicole Kidman pulled out of a star-studded bash to celebrate the launch of her new movie after a bust-up with a TV crew.荧屏美女尼科尔基德曼在庆祝其新片的发布会上群星云集,在与一名电视节目工作人员发生争吵后,转身离开了的现场。

7.In a small, nearly enclosed area near the front gate, the man brutally slashed Nicole, almost severing her neck from her body.在前门附近一小块几近封闭的区域,男子残忍地猛砍尼科尔,几乎遍布了她的脖子到身体。

8.Nicole: You really seem to be fitting in great. To be honest, at first I didn't expect you to be so friendly.妮可:妳似乎适应良好。坦白说,我一开始没料到妳会这么友善。

9.Nicole: You know, pfe can be mortifying sometimes. And trust me, sometimes sex can be, too.你知道,人生有时是很尴尬的,相信我,有时性也是。

10.He asks the press to leave his daughter Nicole alone because this situation does not concern the rape she endured.他还向媒体要求,不要把她的女儿尼科尔牵扯进来,因为这件事与她所经历的强奸并无关系。