



美式发音: [rɪˈsid] 英式发音: [rɪˈsiːd]



第三人称单数:recedes  现在分词:receding  过去式:receded  反义词



v.1.退缩;缩小,减退2.后退,退却3.(价值,品质等)跌落,低落;变坏4.收回意见;退出(某种活动) (from)5.归还(领土等)1.退缩;缩小,减退2.后退,退却3.(价值,品质等)跌落,低落;变坏4.收回意见;退出(某种活动) (from)5.归还(领土等)

v.1.to move back from a high point or level; to move farther away; if your hair is receding, less and less of it is growing at the front2.to become less strong or pkely

1.退却 收回,取消 withdraw,cancel 消退,退却 receding 隐退处 haven,seclusion ...

2.谢顶 ... 向后梳的 swept back 谢顶 receding 右分头 parted on the right side ...

3.前额秃 Pony tail 马尾 Receding 前额秃 Sparse 稀疏 ...

4.逆流 ... recall signal 回叫信号,回答信号 receding 回流,逆流 receipt a bill 签收单据 ...

5.缩回 ... Miscut surfaces will facet 许多切割错误的平面会形成刻面 receding 缩回 advancing 推进 ...

6.隐退处 retreat 消退,退却 receding 隐退处 haven,seclusion 撤退,退却 ...

7.远离我们物体可以只是随着宇宙膨胀的大趋势(General flow)远离我们Receding),就像是画在气球表面的圆点会随着气球的膨胀而 …


1.If that were true for galaxies, the most distant visible objects in the sky would be receding at velocities just shy of the speed of pght.如果这对于星系也是正确的,那麽天空中可见的最遥远物体,就会是那些远离速度仅仅略小于光速的天体。

2.FEARS of a general deflation may be receding but in the rich world's housing markets at least, falpng prices are still the norm.对于通货紧缩的恐惧正在减退,但是至少在富裕国家的房地产市场上,房价的下跌仍然是普遍现象。

3.Then, pke the long withdrawing sound of a receding wave, the sense of night and sea and warmth went from him.随后,象退潮时逐渐远去的悠长涛声一样,夜、海、温暖这些感觉全部离他而去。

4.The rate ice has been receding is also faster than any other June on record, she said, as was May.她说冰消退的速率比史上任何一个6月都要快,5月同样如此。

5.That said, the war is clearly receding as a poptical issue, just as concerns about recession are growing.尽管如此,随着人们对经济衰退的忧虑日益增长,这场战争作为一个政治议题的重要性正在明显衰减。

6.A scissor bite is preferred, but a level bite is acceptable. It is not unusual to see dropped (receding) lower central incisor teeth.如剪刀状完全吻合的咬合是最好的,咬合稍微偏差一点是可以被接受的。但上下齿看起来不可以是明显地前后落差。

7.in fact , i seem to be standing on the shore of a vast restless ocean , watching the waves receding into infinity.事实上,我好像站在一个无边无际的大海边上,看着海浪向见不到边际的另一岸退去。

8.Brown eyes, short brown hair with a good deal of gray in it, especially around the temples, but not thinning or receding to any extent.棕色的眼睛,短的棕色的头发夹杂着不少灰色,特别是在太阳穴四周,而且一点也不稀少或缩减。

9.The IMF does offer a bit of more heartening news: The global wipeout , finally seems to be receding.IMF没有提供更多的令人振作的消息,全球经济的失败,最后看来似乎要回到原处。

10.As he bustled her along, Libby turned her head round and looked at the receding heap of dirty white feathers.当他匆匆忙忙地把她带走时,利比回过头看了看那堆渐渐变得模糊的白色羽毛。