



美式发音: [nis] 英式发音: [niːs]






n.1.a daughter of your brother or sister, or a daughter of your husbands or wifes brother or sister. Their son is called your nephew.


2.外甥女 ... a grandson – grandsons 孙子 a niece - nieces 侄女,外甥女 a cousin - cousins (堂)表兄妹,(堂)表 …


1.My nieces' college funds would have been abandoned in the name of a 46-inch LCD TV and a few months' worth of cable bills.我侄女们的大学基金就会被46寸的液晶电视和数月的有线电视账单所取代;

2.Even for those who have passed this point, he does not rule out transplants from daughters or nieces.即使对那些已经过了这个时间点的人,Silber教授也不排除可以从其女儿或者侄女身上移植的可能性。

3.Ibrahim said the attack, the Saif Al Arab "is, and his parents, nephews, nieces and other visitors to chat, and play. "易卜拉欣说,遇袭时,赛义夫·阿拉伯“正和他的父母、侄子、侄女以及其他到访者聊天、玩耍”。

4.Some of you might not be parents, but you may have nieces, nephews , grandchildren, or friends with children.但你可能会有侄子、侄女、孙女,或者你们的朋友有小孩。

5.Two of her nieces, Nerissa and Catherine, were born with learning difficulties and spent their lives in institutions.她的侄女Nerissa和Catherine天生有学习困难,一直住在学校里。

6.Boldly, he predicted that by the time his great-nieces and great-nephews were adults, mankind would have solved its "economic problem. "他勇敢地预测,等到他的侄孙辈长大成人时,人类已解决掉“经济上的麻烦。”

7.in my opinion , the scope of legal heirs in our law is too narrow and i suggest that nieces and nephews should be pu . t into this scope.在笔者看来,我国法定继承人的范围太窄,建议将侄子女、外甥、外甥女规定为法定继承人。

8.My sister calls to remind me that I've promised to baby-sit my 11 and 14-year-old nieces this weekend.姐姐打电话来了,让我别忘记我的承诺:两个外甥女这周末归我带,一个11岁,一个14岁。

9.All my children and nieces and nephews were enjoying themselves - all except for my oldest son.我所有的孩子和侄子侄女们都很开心——但除了我的大儿子。

10.My nieces and nephews did the farm chores, so I got to sleep in.我的侄女和侄子在农场干杂活,所以我睡了懒觉。