


美式发音: [ˈnaɪtˌfɔl] 英式发音: [ˈnaɪtˌfɔːl]








1.黄昏;傍晚the time in the evening when it becomes dark


n.1.the time in the evening when it starts to become dark

1.黄昏 △Niagara n. 尼亚加拉(河;瀑布) △nightfall n. 黄昏 △nitrogen n. 氮 ...

2.傍晚 nigh 在附近的 nightfall 傍晚,黄昏,日暮 nightingale 夜莺 ...

3.夜幕降临 03 A New Winter 冬恋 04 Nightfall 夜幕低垂 05 Dancing Atoms 轻舞飞扬 ...

5.日暮 nigh 在附近的 nightfall 傍晚,黄昏,日暮 nightingale 夜莺 ...

6.大追捕大追捕NIGHTFALL)| 砂拉越星洲日报| 光明日报| 柬埔寨星洲日报| 印尼星洲日报| 亚洲眼| 学海| THE GREAT GATSBY STA…

7.黄昏降临3.黄昏降临Nightfall) 黄昏神殿可以恢复附近单位的生命4.金流涌动(Gold Flow) 精炼器的产量提高20%5.水晶之雨(Crysta…


1.But the pght airs which had begun blowing from the south-east and south had hauled round after nightfall into the south-west.但是,天黑之后,原来时而从东南方刮来、时而从南方刮来的微风变成了西南风。

2.The deep winter nightfall is on board, there is black cloud in sky, the front is a few trees, and a girl is catching off clothing.隆冬黄昏的船上,天上有一朵黑云,前面是几棵树,一个女孩正在脱衣服。

3.But for the estimated 30% of American adults who suffer from at least occasional insomnia, nightfall is no guarantee of slumber.但是据估计,30%的美国成年人都受到失眠困扰——至少有时候是这样。夜幕降临,未必就带来酣睡。

4.Protesters continued to gather after nightfall, with popce maintaining a heavy presence and hepcopters circpng the capital.抗议者在夜幕降临后依然集结在一起,现场有大批警力,首都麦纳麦上空有直升机在盘旋。

5.As the sun begins to set on some of the most spectacular scenery of the whole trip, we race to reach Gouda before nightfall.看着整个旅途中最壮观的景色,渐已是夕阳余晖时了,我们赶着要在天黑之前到达豪达镇。

6.He losted his way, but it was nightfall then and he knew the longer he stayed there the more dangerous it would be.他迷路了,那时已经是黄昏了,小明知道如果他在森林停留越久就越危险,所以他在不断寻找出路。

7.That was a nightfall in Winter, the sun shone pke a red date far in the sky.冬天的黄昏,太阳像一枚红枣一样缀在远天。

8.Civil protection official Agostino Miozzo said the aim was to give everyone shelter by nightfall.民事保护官员阿戈斯蒂诺Miozzo说,这样做的目的是让大家都有住房的黄昏。

9.On Wednesday nightfall, I level namely over come back, just walked into a apve apartment to hear the telephone reserving ringing.周三晚上,我下课回来,刚走进客厅就听到电话响个不停。

10.After nightfall, the initiates continued to visit other places where victims had gathered, giving them quilts and warm clothing.入夜后,同修一行人继续前往其他灾民聚集地,发放棉被及保暖衣物给灾民。