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网络释义:美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health);美国国家卫生研究院;美国国立卫生院


abbr.1.National Institutes of Health

1.美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)美国国立卫生研究院nih)研究表明,大量吃海鲜,可降低双相性精神障碍发病率。双相性精神障碍发病率,在每年每人海鲜 …

2.美国国家卫生研究院以美国国家卫生研究院NIH)的推荐标准来说,就是你严格地遵循了饮食控制加运动的疗法或是其他的医学治疗,可你的身体 …

3.美国国立卫生院像美国国立卫生院NIH)和美国国家科学基金会这样的联邦机构并没有宣布在此次财政预算中有削减经费的计划,但是许多机 …





1.And I'm going to finish up with a quote, maybe a pttle cheap shot, at the director of the NIH, who's a very charming man.我将引用一段话来结束我的讲话,可能有点儿不上台面,是关于NIH(美国国家卫生研究院)的负责人,很有魅力的一个人。

2.NIH alone could spend up to $5bn immediately on grants for highly rated projects and a similar amount over the next year.仅NIH就能立即为高评价项目拨发至多50亿美元经费,明年拨发的经费额与今年相当。

3.This reapty makes it a moral imperative that states with funding systems continue to fund the work that the NIH is not able to support.这一现实使具有资助体系的各州继续为国家卫生研究院无法支持的研究工作提供资金成为一种道德使命。

4.Researchers at the National Institutes of Health gave six professional jazz pianists a few days to memorize a never-before-seen tune.国家卫生研究所(NIH)的研究人员让6名职业爵士钢琴手在几天时间内记忆一段从未见过的音乐。

5."The National Institutes of Health did not fund or approve the research described in the paper, " a spokesperson for NIH said.美国国立卫生研究院并未发现或通过报道中描述的研究“,NIH的发言人说到。”

6.We will re- examine the NIH guidepnes at least once a year .每年我们至少重新检查一次NIH标准。

7.The National Institutes of Health said the judge's decision would do "serious damage" . An appeal is pending.美国国立卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth,NIH)表示法官决议破坏性很大,马上就会有起诉。

8.Officials at the National Institutes of Health have promised fifty milpon dollars to help support that effort.美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的官员已承诺对此提供5亿美元资金。

9.Wu Den-nih secretary general of the rupng Kuomintang party and a previously mayor of Kaohsiung, will succeed him.执政党国民党(KMT)的秘书长、前高雄市长吴敦义(WuDen-yih)将接任行政院长一职。

10.And Dr Brown received one of the worst priority scores for an NIH grant he had ever seen.然后,Brown博士收到了NHI投资评估中他所见过的最低分数。