




1.耐克公司获得不正当利益.比如,投诉人注册了包含国际著名企业美国耐克公司NIKE INC)的商标和商号的域名“nikefootball网址被屏蔽”(footb…

5.运动鞋公司耐吉Oregonian)线上版报导,全球最大体育服饰及运动鞋公司耐吉Nike Inc),已撤掉一些具有反同性恋讯息的广告。

6.运动用品商耐吉美国股市周四盘后呈现上扬局面,知名运动用品商耐吉(Nike Inc)股价上扬,主要受到优异财报利多激励。S&P 500指数期指上 …


1.Nike Inc. 's "Just do it" message of individual empowerment and athletic achievement plays as well in Jakarta as it does in Jefferson City.耐克公司“想做就做”这一个人授权以及体育广告词的成就在雅加达表现很好,正如在杰斐逊城一样。

2.They may be wet, even a bit briny , and it might be hard to find a matching pair, but you won't find Nike Inc. shoes cheaper anywhere.见过这样的耐克运动鞋吗?也许是湿的,可能还有点咸,而且要凑成一双还有点困难。不过,世界上也许再也找不着比这更便宜的耐克运动鞋了。

3.In an interview, Mr. Zhang also discussed Li Ning's nascent effort to compete on Nike Inc. 's home court in the U. S.张志勇接受采访时还讨论了李宁公司刚刚出台的在耐克(NikeInc.)大本营美国展开竞争的举措。

4.Nike Inc's "Just do it" message of individual empowerment and athletic achievement plays as well in Jefferson City.耐克公司的“只要做到这一点”的讯息个人能力和发挥体育的成就,以及在杰斐逊城。

5.Nike Inc. 's Greater China sales were up 16% in the second quarter from a year earper.耐克公司(NikeInc.)今年第二季度的大中华地区销售额比上年同期增长了16%。

6.The company was founded in January 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and Phipp Knight, and officially became Nike, Inc. in 1978.1964年1月,比尔·鲍尔曼和菲尔·奈特共同创立了蓝带体育用品公司,1978年正式更名为耐克公司。

7.Nike Inc. had a "creative community" for sharing creative works.耐克公司则通过“创意社区”共享“创意作品”。

8.The former Nike Inc. executive joined Disney in December 1999, after serving as chief marketing officer for the sports brand.Mooney在1999年加入迪士尼之前是耐克公司高管,负责运动品牌的营销工作。

9.Nike Inc. spd 4 percent as the athletic shoemaker's sales trailed projections.耐克销量低于预期,公司股价下滑4%。

10.Shares of Nike Inc jumped 8. 8 percent to $67. 27 after the company posted a third-quarter profit that handily beat estimates.O猛涨8.8%,报67.27美元,此前该公司公布第三季盈利胜预期。