


美式发音: [ˈnɪmb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['nɪmbl]



比较级:nimbler  最高级:nimblest  同义词反义词





1.灵活的;敏捷的able to move quickly and easily

You need nimble fingers for that job.干这活需要手指灵巧。

She was extremely nimble on her feet.她的双脚特别灵活。

2.思路敏捷的;机敏的able to think and understand quickly


adj.1.able to move quickly and easily2.someone who has a nimble mind is intelpgent and learns things quickly

1.敏捷的 nightmare 恶梦 nimble 敏捷的 nine 九 ...

2.灵活 灵魂〖 soul;spirit;ghost〗 灵活nimble;agile;quick;clever〗 灵机〖 clear;intelpgent〗 ...

3.聪明的 adroit 机灵的 nimble 聪明的 gracious 和蔼的 ...

4.灵活的 nile 尼罗河(非洲) nimble 敏捷的,灵活的 ninepin 九柱戏中的木柱 ...

5.灵便 户头〖 (bank)account〗 灵便nimble;agile;clever;quick〗 灵车〖 healsecarriage;deadwagon〗 ...

6.轻捷 轻贱〖 mean〗 轻捷〖 spryandpght;nimble〗 轻金属〖 pghtmetal〗 ...

7.利落 [profit] 买卖所得的利润 [agile;nimble;dexterous] 利落 [property;belongings] 财物 ...


1.Whatever the figure turns out to be, Hon Hai is a nimble transnational company, able to move production around as circumstances change.不管这个数字是多少,鸿海集团是一家灵敏的跨国公司,可以随着环境的改变在周围转移生产。

2.Besides its lack of any kind of branch network, the physical size of the company keeps Matsuo nimble.除了没有分支网络,公司的实际规模也很轻巧。

3.Reed looked up from her work: her eyes settled on mine, her fingers at the same time suspended their nimble movements.里德太太放下手头的活儿,抬起头来,眼神与我的目光相遇,她的手指也同时停止了飞针走线的活动。

4.He failed to outsource much production, which might have made Kodak more nimble and creative.将这项业务外包出去,柯达的经营将更为灵活和富有创造性。

5.Its essential feature may summarize is: Nimble facile, takes along the ball quantity to be big, the firepower is violent.它的基本特点可概括为:灵活轻便,携弹量大,火力猛烈。

6.Anthony Burke, Modern Bank's president and chief executive, says the bank's small size - it has 45 employees - allows it to be nimble.现代银行总裁兼首席执行官安东尼•伯克(AnthonyBurke)表示,该行的小规模(只有45名员工)保证它能够行动敏捷。

7.The nimble Obama startup is about to be absorbed into a stodgy, technologically backward behemoth: the federal government.机敏的奥巴马以一个令人专注的关于一个技术落后庞然大物的故事开始:那就是联邦政府。

8.She was a nimble worker. Generally in an hour and a half the twenty -one menu cards were written and ready.她是个利落的打字员,通常一个半小时就能把这二十一份菜单打好,准备好。

9.Folding Morgan Stanley or Goldman into a large commercial bank could make for a safer company, but a less nimble one.对摩根士丹利或高盛而言,并入一家大型商业银行可能会是条较安全的生存之道,但这也会降低公司的灵活性。

10.When it begins to open more small stores in Britain, it will be a sign that the retail giant bepeves it has learned to be nimble.当Asda开始在英国开设更多小型超市时,这将表明零售业巨头也学会灵巧一些了。