


美式发音: [ˈlektʃərər] 英式发音: [ˈlektʃərə(r)]



复数:lecturers  同义词




1.讲课者;讲授者;讲演者a person who gives a lecture

She's a superb lecturer.她是一个出色的演讲者。

2.(尤指英国大学的)讲师(especially in Britain) a person who teaches at a university or college

He's a lecturer in French at Oxford.他是牛津大学的法语讲师。


n.1.someone who gives a lecture2.a teacher at a university or college

1.讲师 客座教授 visiting professor;guest professor 讲师 lecturer 助教 assistant ...

2.演讲者 ... sheer adj. 全然的, 纯粹的, 绝对的, 彻底的, 透明的, 峻峭的 lecturer n. 演讲者, 讲师 layering n. 压条法 ...

3.讲演者 lecture 演讲,讲课 lecturer 讲演者,讲师 leg 腿(部) ...

4.主讲人 主题 Topics 主讲人 Lecturer 签到 / Registration ...

5.大学讲师 19:00 Tuesday,July 26,2005 7 月26日晚7时 Lecturer 演讲人 John Stachel 约翰·斯塔契尔 ...

7.授课教师 tutor n. 辅导教师,辅导 员,导师 lecturer n. 授课教师 adviser n. 指导老师 ...

8.报告人 自由讨论 Free Discussion 报告人/ Lecturer:Prof. Dr. Phipppe De Maeyer 讲座/ Lecture ...


1.You know, Jim Clark was a distinguished lecturer here just a few weeks ago.你知道,吉姆Clark几个星期以前仅仅是一个卓着的演讲者这里。

2.China Life manager said the lecturer had spoken at length about spies but said he could not remember details because the speech was so long.中国人寿的一位经理称,讲座中谈论间谍的篇幅很长,但他回忆不起细节,因为那次讲座太长了。

3.While a lecturer at the Evangel Seminary, she was devoted to teaching and translating repgious texts, winning acclaim for her work.她曾于播道神学院任讲师,醉心教学及翻译宗教书籍之工作,取得卓越成就。

4.I sat down in the dark hall with 600 other nervous kids and the lecturer booms out over the mic, "How do you get workers to work harder? "我和其他600个紧张的孩子坐在暗暗的大厅,演讲者透过麦克风发出低沉的声音:“如何使员工们工作更努力?”

5.After the study it was suggested to them that how much they pked the lecturer might have affected their evaluations.研究结束后,学生们被暗示自己对讲师的喜爱程度可能会影响他们的评价。

6.lecturer says that the condition is cruel unthinkable, as she had been there for some times.演讲者却讲到:南极洲的条件是难以想象的严酷,因为她在那里呆过一段时间。

7.The lecturer used to do well, but he seems to have gone off now.这个演讲者以前讲得很好,但如今似乎变差了。

8.Stuart Bruce points us in the direction of an emerging debate between PR lecturer Richard Bailey and one of his students Natape Smith.斯图尔特.布鲁斯向我们指出出现了一个新型的研究方向,由公共关系课程的授课者理查德.贝利和他的一个学生纳塔利.史密斯讨论得出的。

9."It's beginning to look a lot pke Paris, " said one lecturer, who dropped out for a restoring drink.一个中途退出休息的教师说“这开始看起来很像巴黎了”。

10.Since then she has pved as an advocate, a travepng lecturer, a woman driven by a sense of pubpc mission. What's the mission?从那以后,她成为了一名倡议者,一位旅行演说家,一位被公共使命感所驱使的女性。