




1.九十年代 第八十 eighties 第九十 nineties 第一百 hundredth ...

3.女孩 JEN 爱 Nineties 女孩 orang 汁 ...


1.And on the early [Nineties] Fireman records, they were basically dance records: you know, they were grooves, really.再就是年代早期的那几张我扮演了消防员的舞曲专辑,它们实在是太棒了。

2.And it was that kind of attitude of the West towards Russia in the Nineties that changed the attitude of many Russians.19世纪西方人也曾经抱着这种态度来看待俄罗斯,因为西方的这种态度改变了俄罗斯人民。

3.Then in the early nineteen nineties, well there's a reg guide, let me just write down the reg guide so you can kind of see it here.在1990年代早期,有一个注册指导,我们写下,注册指导,所以你能够看到。

4.History: Between the eighties and nineties of the 19th century, a large number of magnific houses had been constructed along the southwest.历史:19世纪80年代到90年代,沿西南方向盖起了很多富丽堂皇的住宅。

5.Cinema, claimed by many to be moribund at the end of the Nineties, is still hungry, furious and vital.电影,在90年代末被许多人声称是垂死的,至今却依然充满渴望,激情并饱含生机。

6.At the peak of its popularity in the late nineties, the band sold ten million albums a year.20世纪90年代后期那个乐队最红的时候,每年售出1,000万张唱片。

7.At the beginning of the Nineties, he is assisted by his two sons.在之前的九十年代初期,他协助他的两个儿子运作葡萄园。

8.However burning bread as a form of art and illustration has existed since the late Nineties.然而,烤吐司这种艺术及插画表现形式从90年代后期就已经出现了。

9.In this paper, the angle cut into the sense of tragedy, a study of the fictions in the nineties.本文从悲剧意识的角度切入,对九十年代的小说展开研究。

10.Farmers in the United States have grown genetically engineered crops since the late nineteen nineties.美国农民从19世纪90年代末就已经种植转基因农作物。