




1.艾登 李东海 Lee Dong Hae 李东海 Aiden 明知大学电影表演系 K-pop ...

3.火热的 WESLEY (老式英语)来自西方草原。 1 Aiden 火热的,热烈的 2 Jacob 替代者,替补者 ...

4.热烈的 WESLEY (老式英语)来自西方草原。 1 Aiden 火热的,热烈的 2 Jacob 替代者,替补者 ...

5.莫小锡 ... Boys 8-20 Aiden 金色$6.97 Hsu’s Root to Health American Ginseng Tea,20 Teabags 美国花旗参茶 $11.99 ...


1.Aiden: A while back you showed me a picture you created of a panda bear.艾登:前阵子你给我看了一张对大熊猫进行创作设计的图。

2.Emma: You know, Aiden, I don't know much about you. Where were you born?你知道吗艾登,我不太了解你。你是在哪儿出生的?

3.Aiden: You have mentioned to me in the past that you work about 80 hours a week, all graphic-design related work.艾登:你有向我提到过你曾经一周工作80个小时,所有都是与图形设计有关的工作。

4.E : You know, Aiden, I don't know much about you. Where were you born?你知道吗,Aiden,我不太了解你。你是在哪儿出生的。

5.Stiliyan Petrov wants boss Martin O'Neill to sign Celtic's Aiden McGeady, who Aston Villa are reportedly interested in.佩特罗夫(StiliyanPetrov)希望主帅奥尼尔能签下凯尔特人的艾登•麦克格迪(AidenMcGeady),据报道阿斯顿维拉对其颇有兴趣。

6.This was exactly what Aiden wanted, too.这也恰恰是艾登想要的。

7.Well, it explains why Aiden's been feeling like he's done something wrong.这下弄清了艾登觉得做了错事的原因。

8.Aiden: Personally, "Soul" and "Reality" are some of my favorite pieces from you.艾登:对我来说,“灵魂”和“现实”是你作品中我最喜欢的。

9.Aiden: Beyond historically influential artists like we've talked about, who are some modern-day designers that you enjoy watching?艾登:跳过我们已谈论过的那些历史影响显赫的艺术家们,现代设计师中你比较欣赏谁?

10.Thanks to Aiden's aunt Mandy ideas sell paintings to raise funds to keep the family's house.多亏了艾登的姑姑曼迪出主意卖画筹款,保住了一家人的住房。