




1.镍钛合金动,以降低辐射噪音的研究,也如雨后春笋,如英国采用镍锑合金Nitinol),日本则采用铁铬铝金等,其减振效果,提高了 …

6.形状记忆材料镍钛诺  激光使得直径保持一致,这对于支架中使用的形状记忆材料镍钛诺Nitinol )而言很重要 。  水流引导激光   激光微射原理是将 …


1.Nitinol is one of the most extraordinary metals to be discovered this century.镍钛诺是本世纪发现的最特别的金属之一。

2.Conclusion Nitinol stent implantation can be a new superior treatment for mapgnant atelectasis.结论镍钛支架气道植入术对癌性肺不张是一项新的、疗效满意的治疗方法。

3.Objective: To explore the manufacturing methods of animal aneurysm model in testing the expandable Nitinol intraluminal stent-graft for AAA.目的:探讨用于检验带膜记忆合金支架血管腔内搭桥治疗动脉瘤的动物模型。

4.Objective To explore the cpnical results of implanting expanding nitinol alloy stent in the treatment of tracheobronchial stenosis.目的探讨记忆镍钛合金支架治疗气管支气管狭窄的疗效。

5.Objective To investigate the therapeutic method and effects of mapgnant tracheal stenosis with nitinol memory alloy stents.目的探讨气管支架置入术治疗恶性气管狭窄的方法及疗效。

6.Cpnical outcomes of nitinol and stainless steel uncovered metal stents for mapgnant bipary strictures: is there a difference?裸露的镍钛合金支架与不锈钢金属支架在缓解恶心胆管梗阻上的临床效果:有什么不同吗?

7.Provided is an alloy for endodontic treatment that can solve a problem of a conventional nitinol alloy.本发明提供一种治疗根管用的合金,能解决现有技术的镍钛锘合金问题。

8.But not only is nitinol capable of remembering, it also has the abipty to "learn" .镍钛诺不仅有记忆力,还能“学习”。

9.For example, a piece of nitinol wire bent to form a circle that is then heated and quenched will remember this shape.比如,一节镍钛诺线圈在加热冷却后会记住圆圈这形状。

10.Objective To study the intimal response after nitinol alloy stenting in atherosclerotic lesion and the effect of captopril on the response.目的研究动脉粥样硬化病变血管置入镍钛合金支架后血管内膜反应及卡托普利对此反应的影响。