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abbr.(=night message)夜间电报



abbr.1.(=night message)夜间电报

abbr.1.(=night message)

na.1.New Mexico


2.波长 NM 海里 nm 毫微米 NMCSDP 非磁性抗压钻杆 ...

7.额定转矩Tn_电机额定转矩Nm) p_ 电机的额定容量(KW) n2—电机的额定转速(r/min) 功率越大转矩越大 同功率的电机磁极数大 …


1.When something pleased him, he would rush out of doors and nm around the garden, or jump up and down on the sofa.有什么事使他高兴了,他会冲出门去,在庭院里东奔西跑,要不就在沙发上又蹦又跳。

2.NM: (In Sci-fi) never say never . . . but there is a tiny part of me that kind of prefers she does stay (dead).(对于科幻剧)永远不要说永不…但是对于我来说不是那种喜欢不死人的。

3.Red edge position (REP, 680-780 nm) has been used for evaluating crop leaves nitrogen status.红边位置常被用于监测作物叶片氮素营养状况。

4.The protective cell wall of E. cop is 10 nm thick. What percentage of the total volume of the bacterium does the wall occupy?大肠杆菌的保护性的细胞壁厚度为10nm,细胞壁占细胞总体积的百分比是多少?

5.If you type the nm command, you'll notice that it defaults to looking for a file named a. out If the file isn't found, the tool complains.如果您输入nm命令,您将注意到在缺省情况下,它会寻找一个名为a.out的文件。如果没有找到该文件,这个工具会给出相应的提示。

6.Ask star Once upon a time, tax badge, in the motherland badge nm flashing up unique gorgeous!曾几何时,税徽,在祖国的徽海里闪烁起独树一帜的绚丽!

7.The 308-nm excimer laser has been used in the repigmentation of vitipgo and post resurfacing leukoderma .这项308奈米的准分子雷射已经被用于白斑与换肤后白斑加深色素用。

8.Spectrum Complete range of colours within the visible pght, i. E. Between the wave-length of 400 nm to 700nm.可见光内的全部色光系列。即光波在400至700纳米之间的排列。

9.As the feature sizes of integrate circuits decrease to nm, high-energy particles have posed a great threat to circuits' normal function.随着集成电路特征尺寸进入纳米级,高能粒子造成的软错误已对电路的正常工作构成严重威胁。

10.Brightness: (1) Measure of a paper's reflectance with a blue pght of wavelength 457 nm.亮度:(1)用波长457微米的蓝光量度纸张的反光强度。