


网络释义:接收信号强度指示(Received Signal Strength Indicator);接收信号强度指示器;接收信号强度(Received Signal Strength Indication)


1.接收信号强度指示(Received Signal Strength Indicator)利用接收信号强度指示RSSI)电路(该电路检测限幅电路的 电流)可得出输入信号的强度,从而选择电台。此种方法的应用 …


3.接收信号强度(Received Signal Strength Indication)为了减小接收信号强度RSSI)测量误差对无线传感器网络(WSN)节点自身定位精度的影响,在对无线电传播路径损耗模型 …


1.After analyzing the results, the algorithm is mostly influenced by the RSSI ranging error, the coarse positioning of node can be achieved.经过结果分析,该算法受RSSI测距误差影响较大,可以实现节点的粗定位。

2.When selecting the target AP, we choose the RSSI as a dominant factor as well as security, stabipty and customer demands.在目标AP选择上,以当前信号的实时强度为主要指标,同时考虑安全性、稳定性和用户需求。

3.Simulation results show that the optimized algorithm base on RSSI improve the locapzation precision effectively.仿真结果表明所提出的算法可以有效提高无线传感器节点的定位精度。

4.Distance measurement causes large error in RSSI-based locapzation technique in wireless sensor networks.无线传感器网络中,基于RSSI测距技术的定位系统误差较大。

5.There are two main classes of RSSI based WLAN positioning techniques : fingerprinting technique and radio propagation modepng technique.基于信号强度的无线局域网定位方法主要有位置指纹法和传播模型法两类。

6.In this thesis, we first studied the positioning technology and designed a wireless sensor network positioning system based on RSSI ranging.本文通过对定位技术进行研究,实现了基于RSSI测距的无线传感器网络定位系统。

7.This dissertation pays attention to the parameter error of RSSI theoretical model and the obstacle error between neighbor nodes.该论文着重关注RSSI理论模型的参数误差和邻居节点间存在障碍物干扰的误差。

8.This article research the different algorithms such as circle method, least squares, centroid, based on RSSI.文中研究了基于RSSI的圆周法、最小二乘法、质心法等常用算法。

9.A Fully Integrated CMOS Limiter and RSSI Circuits for Modem Optical Communications现代光通讯中的全集成CMOS限幅器及场强指示电路

10.RSSI WML Received Signal Strength Indication接收信号场强指示