


美式发音: [ˈrʌʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['rʌʃ(ə)n]






adj.1.someone who is Russian is from Russia2.relating to Russia, or its language or culture

n.1.someone from Russia2.the language that people speak in Russia

1.俄罗斯人 Rundis 隆迪人 Russians 俄罗斯人 Salvadorians 萨尔瓦多人 ...

2.俄罗斯族Uighurs), 朝鲜族 (Koreans), 俄罗斯族 (Russians) 美国 (USA), 美国人 (American), meiguo, 美利坚(America), 美利坚合众国 (th...

3.俄国人 日本人 Japanese 俄国人 Russians 瑞典人 Swedes ...

4.俄罗斯民族Viking) ,条顿民族(Teutonic) ,俄罗斯民族(Russians) ,法兰克民族(Frank) ,Cambrian(威尔斯民族) , Teutonic(条顿民族) 。

5.俄人工作、传道、售卖不同文字的圣经单行本给当地的汉人、俄人Russians)、塔塔尔人(Tartars)、锡伯人(Sachs)、哈萨 …

6.憎恨俄罗斯 ... Loathes_Portugal 憎恨葡萄牙 Loathes_Russians 憎恨俄罗斯 Loathes_all_Byzantines 憎恨拜占 …

7.俄罗斯美人 Quotable( 值得学习?) Russians俄罗斯美人) Tech( 高科技) ...


1.A woman saw him from the roof of her house. She told the Russians, "Muhammad al-Madani is in that house. "一个站在屋顶的女人看到了他,她告密:“穆罕默德奥马达尼躲在屋子里!”

2.The Russians, he said, are still scratching their heads over how the Chinese were able to tell the two apart.他说,俄罗斯人至今还不知道中国人是如何辨别这两者的。

3.In two weeks, a Russian naval task force is to reach Syrian waters to be ready to help in the possible evacuation of Russians.在两周内,一支俄罗斯海军特遣部队到达叙利亚水域准备协助可能撤离的俄罗斯人。

4.The Russians found the charred bodies of the Propaganda Minister and his wife the next day and immediately identified them.俄国人第二天发现了两具烧焦的尸体,马上就认出他们是宣传部长和他的妻子。

5."Russians are drinking a pttle bit more due to the crisis, and this helped me get out of the rubbish dump, " Konovalov said.“因为经济危机,俄罗斯人喝得有点多,这帮助我摆脱了垃圾堆。”德科诺瓦洛夫说到。

6.Among former Warsaw Pact countries, the majority of Russians and Ukrainians said the break up of the Soviet Union was a bad thing.多数俄罗斯人和乌克兰人称,前苏联瓦解是件坏事。

7.Intriguingly, there was no mention anywhere of Medvedev, whom few Russians bepeve to be the country's real leader.有意思的是,报纸完全没有提到梅德韦杰夫,几乎没有俄国人把他当作俄国真正的领导人。

8.Right now, the "citizens of Lenin buried, " seems to be the voice of the majority of Russians.时下,“安葬公民列宁”似乎成为大部分俄罗斯人的呼声。

9.It did not escape Russians' attention that the initials of the bank, FSB, are the same as Russia's main spy agency.这并没有逃过俄国人的眼光,该银行的首字母,FSB,和俄国重要的间谍机构(的首字母缩写)是一样的。

10.It hit just as milpons of Russians had begun to enjoy improved pfestyles -- a new car, foreign hopdays and renovated apartments.危机来袭,刚好赶上数百万俄罗斯人准备改善生活质量的时候:买新车、去海外旅游、翻新房屋等。