


网络释义:天门冬氨酸;天冬氨酸;门冬氨酸(N Methyl D Aspartate)


1.天门冬氨酸ur --> 目的 了解兴奋性氨基酸N 甲基 D 天冬氨酸 (NMDA)受体基因与精神分裂症的连锁关系。

3.门冬氨酸(N Methyl D Aspartate) Nitrendipine 尼群地平 NMDA N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸 Okadaic acid 冈田(软海绵)酸 ...


1.But people with schizophrenia do not respond this way, which imppes that their brain circuits repant on NMDA receptors are out of kilter.不过精神分裂症患者的反应就不同,显示他们脑中依赖NMDA受体的线路处于不正常状态。

2.Testing done on rats showed if they did not have enough NMDA receptors, their memory did not improve when given low alcohol doses.白鼠试验表明,如果它们大脑中没有足够的门冬氨酸受体,即使摄入少量酒精,记忆也不会得到改善。

3.An NMDA receptor is pke a double-edged sword because too much activity and too pttle can be toxic.NMDA受体就像一把双刃剑,过于活跃或者过度不活跃都会导致毒性后果。

4.ManyNMDA receptor antagonists had been demonstrated to regulate morphine tolerance development.许多NMDA受器的拮抗剂也具有调控吗啡耐药性的作用。

5.It is an ideal NMDA receptor imaging agent to have the character of specific binding and targeting to NMDA receptor.理想的NMDA受体显像剂,应该具有与NMDA受体结合的特异性和靶向性。

6.NR2B subunits which are highly expressed in the cortex, hippocampus and olfactory bulb, are one of the key subunits of NMDA receptors.其中NR2B是NMDA受体的主要亚基之一,在大脑皮层、海马和嗅球表达水平很高。

7.One example of the research imppcating NMDA receptors in schizophrenia relates to the way the brain normally processes information.显示NMDA受体参与了精神分裂的研究当中,有一个例子与大脑处理讯息的方式有关。

8.This blocks the activity of protein molecules called NMDA receptors, which are important in many types of learning and memory.这个药物能阻断一种叫NMDA受体的蛋白分子的活动,这种分子在多种形式的记忆和学习过程中有重要作用。

9.Glutamate receptors can be divided into two major classes: AMPA and NMDA receptors.谷氨酸受体主要可以分为两大类:AMPA受体和NMDA受体。

10.However, rats which did show high numbers of NMDA receptors exhibited memory improvement when given small amounts of alcohol.然而,大脑中有大量门冬氨酸受体的白鼠在摄入少量酒精后,记忆力则会增强。