




1.经尿道前列腺电切术3、经尿道前列腺电切术TURP),适用于腺体重量在60克以下不愿行开放性手术或有严重合并症而不耐受开放必手术者。4 …


3.经尿道切除前列腺2.经尿道切除前列腺TURP)综合征 宫腔镜电切术必须用非导电溶液灌流,以免损耗电流功率,灌流液过度吸收能造成低钠 …

4.经尿道前列腺电切除术其中经尿道前列腺电切除术TURP)---前列腺手术治疗金标准已完成400多例,效果良好,对合并腹股沟疝的患者可同时行无 …


1.Objective: To evaluate the transurethral resection of the prostate( TURP ) for patients with the permanent cardiac pacemaker.目的:探讨已经留置心脏永久性起搏器患者的经尿道前列腺电切(TURP)治疗。

2.Most patients chose TURP only when medical treatment had failed to repeve symptoms, no matter what category they belonged to .不论是哪一组,大部分患者只有在药物治疗无效后才选择经尿道前列腺切除手术。

3.Objective: To explore the influence of different temperature rinse solution on the body temperature of patients who are under the TURP.目的探讨不同温度膀胱冲洗液在经尿道前列腺切除术中对患者体温变化的影响。

4.Clearing channels plus postoperative Diclofenac potassium tablets in the treatment of spastic bladder pain after TURP is worth promoting.因此,清通管道加双氯芬酸钾片治疗TURP术后膀胱痉挛性疼痛的方法值得推广。

5.Conclusion: TURP with less trauma and quicker recovery advantages, compared with open surgery TURP has its obvious advantages.结论:经尿道前列腺电切术具有创伤小,恢复快等优点,与开放手术相比有其明显的优势。

6.Objective To conclude the experience of nursing the patients of benign prostatic hypertrophy(BPH) who were treated with TURP.目的:总结前列腺增生症(BPH)行TURP术前术后的护理管理经验。

7.Hemostasis plays an important role in the success of transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP).在经尿道前列腺刮除术中扮演著重要角色。

8.Results: The catheterization, dilatation of urethral stricture, TURP were used in the 23 cases, and the dysuria got better.结果23例经导尿、尿道扩张、经尿道镜电切治疗后,排尿困难好转。

9.Current evidence also indicated finasteride pretreatment before TURP is safe.目前的证据表明术前应用非那雄胺是安全无副作用的。

10.The rate of prostate tissue had been excised was higher in PKVP than in TURP (P01).切除前列腺重量占预测重量的百分率,PKVP组明显大于TURP组(P0.01);