





5.三氧化氮离子一氧化二氮 (N2O) 叠氮化亚硝酰 (N4O) 三氧化氮自由基(NO3) 三氧化二氮 (N2O3) 四氧化二氮 (N2O4) 五氧化二氮 (N2O5) 三 …


1.The excessive content of NO3(superscript -) in drinking water is one of the important causes of esophagus cancer.居民饮用NO3(上标-)超标的浅层地下水、旱井水是导致食管癌的重要原因之一。

2.From the absolute quantity, no matter in rice planting or not, the main loss of nitrogen was NO3--N.从绝对数量看,种植水稻与不种植水稻氮处理渗漏都以NO3--N为主。

3.This may be the formation of NO3-in precipitation during the wet deposition caused obvious.这可能是NO3-在降雨形成过程中湿沉降作用明显造成的。

4.The Using of Mg(NO3)2 as the matrix modifier will reduce the losing of arsenic during the ashing process and enhance absorption signal.选择硝酸镁为基体改进剂,可有效防止砷在灰化过程中的损失,从而增强吸收信号。

5.Fuel flow indicator of No3 engine out of operation (fluctuating) but we found No3 engine working normally.第三发燃油油量失效(摆动),但发动机工作正常。

6.Among all the species, simulated wet NO3- deposition matched best with the observation data.在所有物种中,NO3-湿沉降模拟结果最理想。

7.The univalent radical NO3or a compound containing it, as a salt or an ester of nitric acid.硝酸根,硝酸盐(酯)一价的根NO3或包含它的化合物,如一种硝酸盐或者酯

8.Results indicated that surfactant and NO3- ions increased tebufenozide hydrolysis, while humic acid caused a degree of inhibition.结果表明:表面活性剂和硝酸根离子可以促进虫酰肼的水解,而腐殖酸则对其水解有一定抑制作用。

9.The heterogeneous reactions of N2O5 and NO3 on aerosol surface dominated the particulate nitrate formation on heavily polluted days.NO3自由基与N2O5在气溶胶颗粒表面的多相化学反应是颗粒态硝酸在污染严重期的主要来源。

10.NO3- load in sludge is reduced, denitrification rate of NH3- N and removal rate of COD are substantially increased.使污泥的NO3-负荷减少,氨氮的反硝化率和COD的去除率显著提高。