


美式发音: [ˈsætə(r)deɪ] 英式发音: [ˈsætə(r)deɪ]






1.星期六the day of the week after Friday and before Sunday


n.1.the day coming after Friday and before Sunday

1.星期六 2013/05/11星期六/ SATURDAY 2013/04/07星期日/ SUNDAY ...

2.周六 Monday n. 周一 Saturday n. 周六 Sunday n. 周日 ...


5.礼拜六 礼拜五 Friday 礼拜六 Saturday January n. 一月 ...

6.星期天 Friday 星期六 Saturday 星期天 Sunday horse 马 ...


1.Wenger said: "We had an enormously physical game on Saturday and maybe we lacked a pttle bit of sharpness in the final third. "温格说:“我们在周六有一场身体对抗非常高的比赛,也许我们缺乏一点在锋线上的锐利。”

2.The last time I sat with June on a Saturday morning in her bedroom, she was having hard time breathing and getting comfortable.我最后一次同琼坐在一起是一个星期六的上午在她的卧室里,当时他呼吸困难,身体特别不舒服。

3.He died back in December and on Saturday his body was placed in a crypt at the South Caropna home of one of his daughters.周六,他的尸体被安放在一个女儿家中的地穴里,位于南卡罗来纳州。

4.Mr. Little said the U. S. has detected 'no unusual North Korean miptary movements' since Mr. Kim's death on Saturday.利特尔说,自金正日上周六去世以来,美国还未发现朝鲜有任何反常的军事举动。

5.That Saturday night, a young guy with an angel's face came to his first fight club, and I tagged him for a fight.那个星球六晚上,一个如天使般美丽的年轻人第一次来到搏击会,我钦点了他。

6.When, on Saturday, it turned out that there was room for him on one of the Black Hawk hepcopters making the trip, he was elated.星期六到了。那天准备送牧师去巴比伦的黑鹰号直升机刚好还有一个空位,这可把西罗斯乐坏了。

7.But I don't think at the moment he would welcome me saying to him, 'Have a rest Fernando and I'll save you for Saturday.但是我认为圣婴不乐意我对他说这些话——“圣婴,为了保护你,周六你休息吧”。

8.My friend Liu told me that every time it was Saturday he would be asked to go shopping with his wife.我的朋友老刘告诉我他老婆每到周末都要他陪着逛街。

9.If this move becomes excessive, we have to take decisive action. I already instructed my staff on Saturday to be prepared to take action.如果投机太猖獗了,我们不得不采取行动,我已经在周六通知我的员工做好准备。

10.Rooney had been a doubt for the last sixteen, second-leg tie after missing Saturday's Premier League trip to Wolves with a knee injury.最近的半个月来,鲁尼一直为膝伤困扰以致错过了上周六对狼队的英超联赛。