


美式发音: [nɒb] 英式发音: [nɒb]




复数:nobs  同义词

n.big cheese,big shot,bigwig,grandee,toff



1.社会地位高的人;上层人士;大人物a person who has a high social position; a member of the upper class



n.1.the human head2.somebody rich or socially powerful3.in cribbage, the jack of the suit that the dealer turns up, which scores one point for the player who holds it4.a rich person with a high social position1.the human head2.somebody rich or socially powerful3.in cribbage, the jack of the suit that the dealer turns up, which scores one point for the player who holds it4.a rich person with a high social position

1.头 Noah's Ark 诺亚方舟 nob nobbily 华丽地 ...

2.挪伯 ... Nisir,Mt. 尼斯尔山115 Nob 挪伯(大卫吃陈设饼)511;(大卫逃往)249;(祭司遭屠杀)249…

3.球形门柄 nix 水中精灵 nob 球形门柄 node 节,结 ...

4.贵族(Noble) naz: 月亮,白,光明,亮,富有 nob: 贵族,高阶,高级 orky: 兽人的,兽人文明,好的,绿的 ...

5.nitrite oxidation bacteriaminant bacteria was poor.Nitrite oxidation bacteria (NOB) were not “washed out” during the set up time that NO3- was a...

6.诺勃 Nod( 诺德) Nob( 诺勃) Dobbin( 驽马) ...


1.He also put to the sword Nob, the town of the priests, with its men and women, its children and infants, and its cattle, donkeys and sheep.又用刀将祭司城挪伯中的男女,孩童,吃奶的,和牛,羊,驴尽都杀灭。

2.Be sure to dress warmly, it's usually quite windy on the top of Nob Hill and San Francisco evening fog makes it feel even colder.旅行前要做好保暖工作,一般诺布山山顶风都特别大,旧金山晚上的雾也会使气候变得更冷。

3.David went to Nob, to Ahimelech the priest. Ahimelech trembled when he met him, and asked, "Why are you alone? Why is no one with you? "大卫到了挪伯祭司亚希米勒那里,亚希米勒战战兢兢地出来迎接他,问他说:“你为什么独自来,没有人跟随呢?”

4.He did't marry that lady because she was of nob origin.他娶了那位小姐,不是因为她出身高贵。

5.And the nation of tea drinkers finally took into their hearts when he invented the hob-nob.一个全国和茶的民族最终特别喜欢他,当他创造出“对酌”这个词。

6.Hilltop real estate in San Francisco gets more expensive and desirable the higher you go: Nob Hill, Russian Hill, Pacific Heights.在旧金山,山顶上的地产价格比较昂贵,也值得购买,而且山越高价格也越高,像诺布山,俄罗斯山,太平洋高地等。

7.Still have, date is psted [field] had better regard a name as nob with D_ .还有,日期列[字段]最好以D_作为名字打头。

8.and the turning nob in particular often breaks down.尤其是转扭的部份常常会坏掉。

9.Which do coco and watermelon nob ache quite?椰子和西瓜打头哪一个比较疼?

10.Well, atleast I get to hob nob with royalty.好吧..至少我还有那什么忠诚。