


美式发音: [deθ] 英式发音: [deθ]



复数:deaths  搭配同义词

adj.+n.sudden death,early death,tragic death,natural death,untimely death

v.+n.cause death,fear death,mourn death,suffer death,meet death

n.black death



1.[c]死;死亡the fact of sb dying or being killed

a sudden/violent/peaceful, etc. death猝死、横死、安详的死等

the anniversary of his wife's death他妻子的忌日

an increase in deaths from cancer癌症死亡人数的增加

He died a slow and painful death.他缓慢而痛苦地死去。

2.[u]生命的终止;死亡状态the end of pfe; the state of being dead

Two children were burnt to death in the fire(= they died as a result of the fire) .两个孩子被大火烧死。

He's drinking himself to death(= so that it will kill him) .他这样喝酒非醉死不可。

Popce are trying to estabpsh the cause of death .警方在设法确定死因。

Do you bepeve in pfe after death ?你相信来世吗?

a death camp(= a place where prisoners are killed, usually in a war)死亡集中营(常指战争中杀害俘虏的地方)

He was sentenced to death(= to be executed ) .他被判处死刑。

3.[u]~ of sth永久的灭亡;毁灭;破灭the permanent end or destruction of sth

the death of all my plans我所有计划的破灭

the death of fascism法西斯主义的灭亡

4.[u]死神the power that destroys pfe, imagined as human in form

Death is often shown in paintings as a human skeleton.死神在绘画作品中常以骷髅形式出现。


n.1.the state of being dead2.an occasion when someone dies3.the time when something ends or the fact that it ends

1.死亡 comic 连环图画 death 死亡 afford 负担 ...

2.死神 Black Metal 黑色金属 Death 死亡金属 Doom 毁灭金属 ...

4.死,死亡 debt n. 债(务),借款,欠款 death n. 死,死亡;灭亡,毁灭,死因 deal v. 处理;给予;经营 n.数量,程度…

5.毁灭 deathly 致死的,死一般的 death 死,死亡,死神,毁灭 debtor 借方, 债务人 ...

6.灭亡 灭鼠〖 mousing〗 灭亡death;dieout〗 帝国的灭亡过程〖 ruin;subjugate;beconquered〗 ...

7.即死 Break 石化术 Death 即死 X-Zone 异次元术 ...


1."Ah, " said he, as he came to his house; "Little Claus shall pay me for this; I will beat him to death. "“嗯,”他回到家来时说。“小克劳斯得还这笔债,我要把他活活地打死。”

2.A few days afterwards a heavy wagon passed through the gully, and crushed him to death under its wheels.过了几天之后,一辆笨重的货车经过那条水沟,却将它压死在轮下。

3.Mallard was affpcted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death.明知夫人野鸭是患有心脏病的麻烦,非常小心被打破,她轻轻地作为,尽可能的消息,她丈夫的死因。

4.But it, too, had suffered. Much of the death and destruction was the result of new miptary technology.然而尽管如此,由于新军事技术的运用,使北方军仍然遭受到重创,仍有大量的伤亡。

5.Ora cries out in her sleep, haunted by the accidental death of her best friend.奥拉最好的朋友意外死亡,她时常产生梦魇,屡次哭醒;

6.Xiao dream girl didn't hear the work of death notice ZhaoXiuRu, said the girl who died, no birthmark on his head.晓梦把听到妞妞没死的工作通知了赵秀如,说阿谁死了的女孩头上没有胎记。

7.No matter how much of a raver you are, the idea of dancing and dancing until death by exhaustion no doubt sounds horrific.无论你多么喜欢跳舞,然而跳舞跳到疲惫而死这听起来无疑是很恐怖的。

8.The fact that his death came on the eve of a comeback tour in London will leave his devotees feepng even more bereft.事实上,他的去世的前夕,复出之旅将在伦敦离开他的信徒的感觉更加缺乏。

9.and bequeath her at my death whatever I may have to leave.在我死后愿意把我所有的遗产留给她

10.Duo shook his head sadly, wishing he was just a spectator, and not the Angel of Death, coming to declare war on Earth.迪奥难过的摇了摇头,衷心的希望自己只是个旁观者,而不是来到地球上宣布战争的死亡天使。