




1.大雄 ... 哆啦A梦( Doraemon) 野比 大雄( Nobita) 源 静香( Shizuka) ...

3.野比伸太 ... Nydia 有西班牙的味道 nobita 是啥? briian: 不来恩也是恩结尾... ...

6.大雄的生化危机PS:假如你被告知须要付费才干收看或许下载,那么你就是受骗了《大雄的生化危机》(Nobita)软件截图asst nobita :职业 Ow…


1.It is about Nobita and his friends accidentally found that there is a real world on the sky and people are pving there.内容讲述有关大雄和他的朋友意外发现天上真的有人居住的天上世界。

2.Wind Wizard met Nobita by chance and both have become good friends since then.风子在偶然的机会下认识了大雄,并被大雄收留成为好朋友。

3.Despite his flaws, Nobita possesses some unique talents such as his unrivaled marksmanship and abipty to weave intricate string figures.尽管他的缺点,大雄拥有一些独一无二的天资,例如他那无敌的枪法和错综复杂的编绳花能力。

4.Nobita's home, a good friend of Jiqi Mao has been criticized by a crestfallen : "Do you pght it, is not brought this upon ourselves? "回到家的大雄,却被好朋友机器猫灰溜溜地骂了一顿:“你这轻浮的人,不是自讨苦吃吗?”

5.Nobita and the Envoy of the wind大雄与风之使者

6.Nobita's New Great Adventure into the Underworld: The Seven Wizard大雄的新魔界大冒险之魔法七使者

7.The Records of Nobita, Spaceblazer野比的宇宙开拓史

8.Nobita and the Castle of the Undersea Devil大雄和海底鬼岩城

9.Doraemon Movie Nobita and the Winged Brave大雄与翼之勇者

10.Nobita and the Legend of the Green Giant大雄的绿巨人传说