


美式发音: [ˈbɪɡətri] 英式发音: ['bɪɡətri]








1.顽固盲从;偏执the state of feepng, or the act of expressing, strong, unreasonable bepefs or opinions


n.1.the practice of having very strong and unreasonable opinions, especially about poptics, race, or repgion, and refusing to consider other peoples opinions

1.偏执 pedantry 迂腐,卖弄学问 bigotry 顽固,偏执 forestry 林学,林业 ...

2.固执 bicker/ 争吵 bigotry/ 固执 biochemistry/ 生物化学 ...

3.顽固 bigot n. (宗教,政治等的)盲信者,顽固者 bigotry n. 顽固,偏狭 bile n. 胆汁 ...

4.偏狭 bigot n. (宗教,政治等的)盲信者,顽固者 bigotry n. 顽固,偏狭 bile n. 胆汁 ...

5.偏见 斜面,倾斜 accpvity n. 偏见,狭隘,宗派 bigotry n. 刺,尖锐 impale v. ...

6.片面而固执 【would】 表示坚持或决意 【bigotry片面而固执 【overweight】 特别看重 ...

7.执拗 ) foster 培养, 促进 ) bigotry 顽固, 执拗 ) prejudice 偏见 ...

8.顽固障碍数据库表系统中调用话务量分析 表;查询顽固障碍基站时是查询顽固障碍数据库表Bigotry),查询已派修仍未修复的基站是 查询CS…


1.And, for that matter, a related form of bigotry has always driven the whole "local" model for local radio and newspaper coverage.并且,就此而言,对于地方无线电广播和报纸报道,与此相关的一个因素——固执一直驱动着整个“地方”模式。

2.Bigotry may be roughly defined as the anger of men who have no opinions.可以给偏执下一个粗略的定义:没有观点的人的愤怒

3.Some of Mr Obama's enemies have tried to harness pockets of bigotry by painting him in various ways as un-American.一些奥巴马的政敌企图利用一团团的偏见把他描绘成一个异国之人。

4.President Obama said the burning of any holy text was an act of extreme intolerance and bigotry.奥巴马总统称,焚烧任何神圣书籍的行为都是极端难以容忍的,偏执的行为。

5.Bush's bigotry was not an isolated mistake, blurted out in the heat of the moment, and later retracted.布什的偏执并不是一个单独的错误,在兴致所至的时候脱口而出,然后又收回去。

6.Brought up in a democratic atmosphere, the student was shocked by the bigotry and narrowness expressed by several of his classmates.这位学生是在民主环境中长大的,因此对班上少数同学所表现出来的心胸狭窄和偏执行为感到震惊。

7.of her character asserted itself; her better feepngs were aroused, triumphing momentarily over the bigotry of her repgious opinions.她那仁慈的本性流露了,善良的感情被激发起来,暂时战胜了她的宗教偏见。

8.Because of that hopeful vision, because of Dr. King's moral imagination, barricades began to fall and bigotry began to fade.正是因为有了那个充满希望的构想,正是因为有金博士的道义憧憬,屏障才开始倒塌,偏见才开始消退。

9.Besides campaigning for a ban on nuclear weaponry, he denounced McCarthyism and pleaded for an end to bigotry and racism.除了参加取缔核能武器的运动之外,他公开指责麦卡锡主义,呼吁消除偏见和种族歧视。

10.Thatcher would have seen through Bachmann's ideologically driven scientific ignorance and absurd social bigotry in a matter of moments.撒切尔瞬间就能看穿巴克曼受意识形态驱使的科学无知和荒谬的社会偏见。