




1.松久信幸奖的台湾本土旅游书“坐火车的抹香鲸”,设计和插画绘者江其骏NOBU)说,在莱比锡参观书展,看到许多不同年龄层的人 …


1."I'd pke to see Hakkasan expand across the world pke Nobu and to do that we needed a lot more financial firepower, " Mr Yau says.他表示:“我想看到客家人像Nobu那样在全世界扩张。要做到这一点,我们需要强大得多的财力。”

2.In November 2009, Soho's Hospitapty, the company behind celebrity restaurants pke Nobu and Roy's, filed for bankruptcy.2009年11月,赞助松久幸信和罗伊这类高级餐厅的Soho酒店申请破产。

3.People loved it, and I don't for a minute regret the effort I put into making both Matsuhisa and Nobu what they are today.人们喜欢它,我从不后悔把Matsuhisa和Nobu做成今天这个样子所做的努力。

4.Roy's is now run by another company, while Nobu's chef, Nobu Matsuhisa, has opened a new restaurant elsewhere in Tokyo with Robert De Niro.罗伊餐厅现交由另一家公司管理,而松久餐厅的主厨松久幸信,与罗伯特·德尼罗在东京另一地方新开了一家餐厅。

5.Nobu Kikuchi, an automotive tools shop owner, rode to the store on a bicycle, saving scarce gasopne.为了节省稀缺的汽油,汽车工具店老板延生菊池(NobuKikuchi)骑自行车到店里。

6.As a young boy growing up in Japan, Nobu Matsuhisa dreamed of becoming a sushi chef in a restaurant where he could create his own menu.作为一个在日本长大的小男孩,NobuMatsuhisa幻想成为一家餐厅的寿司主厨,这样他可以创建他自己的菜谱。

7.Taiwan's Nobu Su told the Financial Times large-scale scrapping of older ships was needed to correct oversupply.台湾的NobuSu对英国《金融时报》表示,要修正供应过剩的局面,必须大规模报废旧船。

8.He adds that he plans to use more at the new Nobu restaurant in Beijing, officially opening in April.他补充说,等到北京的Nobu餐厅在四月份正式开张的时候,他还会加大这种鱼子酱的用量。

9.A guy named Nobu Naga , the so- called Japanese Columbus .一个叫信长的人,被称作日本的哥伦布。

10.Paris Hilton caused a stir when she walked into New York restaurant Nobu recently.最近当帕里斯希尔顿走进纽约的Nobu餐厅时引起了轰动。