


美式发音: [ˈnoʊd(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈnəʊd(ə)l]





adj.1.affecting the cells that form small lumps near the joints in your body2.at a place where pnes, systems, or paths meet

1.节的 nodal 交点的 nodal 节的 nodal 节点的 ...

2.节点的 节点 Node 节点的 nodal 节点失效 node failure ...

3.波节的 nodal system graph 结点系统图 nodal 波节的 node of orbit 轨道交点 ...

4.结的 Hair 结 英 Nodal 结的 窦 英 Sinus Sinoaortic 主动脉窦的 拉 ...

5.交点的 nodal point 无潮点;节点;交点;交点 nodal 交点的 nodal 节的 ...


1.It has grown in strength in a matter of just a few years, and acts through powerful beacons of Light at the nodal points.它不断的壮大,在未来的时间,通过光建立强大的结点。

2.It is one of the nodal points on the westward motorway out of London, the M4 corridor, also known as Britain's Sipcon Valley.这里是出伦敦城的西向高速公路上的一个节点——M4走廊,也被称为英国的硅谷。

3.They were a nodal point, perhaps, in a thoroughly globapsed Christian world, embracing the Roman empire and much more.西奈山可能曾是个全球化的基督教世界的枢纽,联结着罗马帝国等等地方。

4.For each time increment, the approximation of each unknown nodal function can be solved with the matrix left division command in MATLAB.在每一个时间步长,利用MATLAB提供的矩阵左除命令即可求出各个未知节点的函数近似值。

5.The crack causes discontinuity of the body. It has isolation effect on nodal points.裂纹使得弹性体具有不连续性,对体内节点具有隔离作用。

6.Each element type has a degree of freedom set, which constitute the primary nodal unknowns to be determined by the analysis.每个单元类型都有一组节点自由度序列组成,用来指定通过分析来测定的未知的初始节点值。

7.The Characteristics of Intracardiac Electrocardiography in Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia Comppcated by Bundle Branch Block.房室结折返性心动过速合并束支阻滞时心内电图特征。

8.Nodal status correlates with disease-free and overall survival better than other prognostic factors.与其他预后因素相比,结节状况与无病及总存活率关系更大。

9.Morphologic Observation of Canine's Atrioventricular Nodal Junction and Its Cpnical Significance.犬房室交界区形态结构观察及其临床意义。

10.Since the function is cubic, four nodal quantities are required to define the distribution on a side.因为函数是三次的,所以需要4个结点未知数确定每边的分布。