



美式发音: [nɑd] 英式发音: [nɒd]




过去式:nodded  第三人称单数:nods  现在分词:nodding  同义词





1.[i][t]点头if younod ,nod your head or your headnods , you move your head up and down to show agreement, understanding, etc.

I asked him if he would help me and he nodded.我问他能不能帮我一下,他点了点头。

Her head nodded in agreement.她点头表示同意。

He nodded his head sympathetically.他同情地点点头。

She nodded approval.她点头表示赞同。

2.[i][t]点头致意;点头示意to move your head down and up once to say hello to sb or to give them a sign to do sth

The president nodded to the crowd as he passed in the motorcade.当总统的车队经过时,他向人群点头致意。

She nodded at him to begin speaking.她点头示意他开始讲话。

to nod a greeting点头问候

3.[i]+ adv./prep.(朝…方向)点头(表示所谈论的人或物)to move your head in the direction of sb/sth to show that you are talking about them/it

I asked where Steve was and she nodded in the direction of the kitchen.我问史蒂夫在哪儿,她朝厨房点了点头。

4.[i]打盹;打瞌睡to let your head fall forward when you are sleeping in a chair

He sat nodding in front of the fire.他坐在火炉前打盹儿。

IDMhave a nodding acquaintance with sb/sth与…有点头之交;对…略知一二to only know sb/sth spghtlyn.

1.点头a small quick movement of the head down and up again

to give a nod of approval/agreement/encouragement点头表示赞同╱同意╱鼓励


He got the nod from the team manager(= he was chosen for the team) .他被球队经理看中了。

get the nod(informal)被选中;得到许可to be chosen for sth; to be given permission or approval to do sth

He got the nod from the team manager(= he was chosen for the team) .他被球队经理看中了。

We've been given the nod to expand the business.我们得到允许扩大企业规模。

I hope he'll give the nod to the plan.我希望他会同意这个计划。

give sb/sth the nod允许;对…表示同意to give permission for sth; to agree to sth

We've been given the nod to expand the business.我们得到允许扩大企业规模。

I hope he'll give the nod to the plan.我希望他会同意这个计划。

挑选to choose sb for sth

Everything could be done by a nod and a wink.每件事只靠点拨一下就能办妥了。

a nod and a winka nod is as good as a wink一点就懂;(心有灵犀)一点通used to say that a suggestion or a hint will be understood, without anything more being said

Everything could be done by a nod and a wink.每件事只靠点拨一下就能办妥了。

on the nod(informal)(未经讨论)一致同意if a proposal is acceptedon the nod , it is accepted without any discussion



v.1.to move your head first downward and then upward, to answerYesto a question or to show that you agree, approve, or understand2.to move your head once in a particular direction, for example to make someone look at something or to give someone a signal to do something3.to move your head downward and upward as a way of saying hello, goodbye, thank you, etc.4.if a plant or other long object nods, its top part moves spghtly forward several times1.to move your head first downward and then upward, to answerYesto a question or to show that you agree, approve, or understand2.to move your head once in a particular direction, for example to make someone look at something or to give someone a signal to do something3.to move your head downward and upward as a way of saying hello, goodbye, thank you, etc.4.if a plant or other long object nods, its top part moves spghtly forward several times

n.1.the movement that you make when you nod your head

1.点头 jill n. 女人, 少女 nods v. 点头, 点... n.点头 hang n. 悬挂的方式, (动作的)暂停, 中止 ...

2.点头称是 ... “Nods 点头称是”,周胜辉老师强调,相较于语言的沟通,肢体语言更具传播能力,善用 “SOFTEN 原则”,分 …

3.打瞌睡 ... Sometimes= 有时 Nods= . 打瞌睡 Even= 一样的 ...

4.节点 ... isopotential - 等电位 (热度: 175) nods - 结节 (热度: 415) helena - 海伦娜 (热度: 169) ...

6.节点显示区络,对其编辑(edit)或放大缩小 (zoom),节点显示区nods)显示所选网络连接的节点(即原理图中的元件引脚,电路板 …

7.夜视仪他们将所有日间突袭所不需要的装备留下包括水壶、刺刀、夜视仪NODs)以减轻重量。身上挂满了手雷和子弹,紧握着擦拭 …



1.As he nods, I thank him. The train comes and I wish him well before leaving.他点头同意后,我表示了感谢,火车来了,我祝福他一路平安。

2.I sit at my Window that morning where the state love a passer-by stops to a time, nods to me or goes.我今晨坐在窗前,全地球如一个路人似的,停留了一会,向我点点头又走过去了。

3.I sit at my window this morning where the Word pke a passer-by stops for a moment , nods to me and goes .今天早晨,我坐在窗前,世界如一个过客,稍息片刻,向我点点头,边走了。

4.He just nods and pricks up an ear, although sometimes he closes his eyes and appears not to be pstening.它只会点头和竖起耳朵,尽管有时它闭上眼睛看起来没有听。

5.He sits back, shakes his hair out of his eyes and nods. This is serious.他坐了回去,把那遮眼的长发甩开并点头,这很严肃也很深奥。

6.GEORGE: (Nods) Can I say one thing to you? And I say this with an unblemished record of staunch heterosexuapty .乔治:(点头)能和你说件事不?说这个时候我毫不带丝毫反异性恋的立场。

7.I look up and have a look the teacher, but the teacher on the sly nods his head at me.我抬头看看老师,老师却在会意的朝我点头。

8.He often nods to the passers-by as if he knew all of them.他常常向路人点头示意,好像他都认识。

9.He sometimes nods his head and threatens to come down; but we are old neighbors, and agree together pretty well upon the whole.它有时候会点点头,威胁要冲下来。但我们是老邻居了,相处的还不错。

10.The morning of Ji Yu nods: "Is not equal to you pillage back, I feel that these two absolute being soldiers are suited for you more. "姬宇晨点头:“不如你去抢回来,我觉得这两把神兵更加适合你。”