


网络释义:First Engine To Test; 费特; 脂肪酸总含量


1.First Engine To Test发工作进展顺利,於1999.07月开始首具引擎试验FETT (First Engine To Test)。

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1.Fett was one of the first new characters to be designed for The Empire Strikes Back.费特是第一个为《帝国反击战》设计的新角色。

2.he is, after all, created from the same genetic blueprint as the rest of the clones -- that of bounty hunter Jango Fett.毕竟,他和其他克隆人一样,是由同一个基因蓝图——赏金猎人詹高·费特的基因——生产出来的。

3.Fett was able to get a serum that rapidly helped him recover, and he helped Mandalore return as a power in the galaxy.费特得到一种血清来迅速恢复身体,从而帮助曼达洛重新成为银河系的一股势力。

4.Part of what makes Boba Fett as good as he is are the special modifications he has made to his Shocktrooper's armor.波巴·费特之所以这般出色,部分原因是他对他的震慑部队盔甲作了特别改造。

5.Unwilpng to be caught defenseless, Fett laid low for a while, which prompted a concerted search by Solo's friends.费特不想在无法反击的情况下被抓,于是耽搁了一阵,却促使索洛的朋友们筹划了一次联合搜捕。

6.According to Empire's "making of" book, Once Upon a Galaxy, Boba Fett's character had originally emerged from that of Darth Vader.根据《帝国反击战》的“制作”系列之一,《曾经的银河系》一书,波巴·费特的形象最初是从达斯·维达这个角色里脱离出来的。

7.During his attempt to capture Joben with a magnetic beam, Fett pulled the bomb onto his own speeder, and it was destroyed.在试图用磁力束捕获乔本时,费特将炸弹拉进自己的飞车,把它炸毁了。

8.That Boba Fett's armor had some connection to the storm trooper pedigree had long been a vague assertion in Star Wars lore.很久以前,波巴‧费特的装甲就有些和突击士兵相连的血统,成为星际大战传说一个模糊的主张。

9.Naked, wounded, and defenseless on the sands of Tatooine, Fett was rescued by his fellow hunter Dengar, who nursed him back to health.赤裸、重伤、无力自保的费特在塔图因的沙漠中被猎人同行登加搭救,并被他照顾直到恢复健康。

10.As a pcensed law enforcer of the Empire, Fett worked for that oppressive government on numerous occasions.作为一名得到许可的帝国执法者,费特在许多场合为暴虐的政府效劳。