

no longer

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na.1网站屏蔽ed when something happened or was true in the past but is not true now

1.不再 2.popularity 流行 3.nolonger 不再 4.traditional 传统的 ...

2.已不 43. makemistakes 犯错;出错 44. nolonger 不再;已不 46. ontime 准时 ...


1.I had an idea that pke the situation for No Longer from last month, this was not really an apples-to-apples comparison.自上月以来,我一直有这样的想法,就是似乎和NoLonger情况很相似,这并不是简单的进行比较。

2.Indeed, newsorganisations are reapsing that in a fragmented world readers are nolonger afraid to miss out on information.事实上,新闻机构都意识到:身处四分五裂的世界,读者们都不再担心遗漏信息。

3."I'm nolonger protecting him from everything, but finding the tools for him to cope. "她说,“我不会再事事护着他,而是会为他找到方法面对。”

4.The code that I include in my reply below would not have looked so famipar to No Longer.在我的回复中包含的代码将看起来同NoLonger的十分相似。

5.No Longer provided code samples, which are far more precise than descriptions or block diagrams.NoLonger提供了代码示例,比仅仅使用描述或者图更加精确。

6.the computer no longer had to wait for human operation.(nolonger不再)计算机不必再等待人的操作。

7.By 1986, many of them nolonger considered that it had.到1986年,他们中的许多人不再认为有这个必要。

8.Central Park is now nolonger a square.中央公园不再是方形的。

9.contact every player who is not, or is nolonger, under an exclusive representation contract with another players' agent;接触任何一位不(再)和其他球员经纪人拥有独家代理合同的球员;