


美式发音: [ˈsɜrˌneɪm] 英式发音: [ˈsɜː(r)ˌneɪm]




复数:surnames  同义词反义词

n.first name

n.last name,family name,cognomen




n.1.the name that you share with other members of your family. In Engpsh it is the last part of your full name.

1.姓 Salutation 称呼 * Surname * Given Name 名 * ...

2.姓氏 surgeon 外科医生 surname 姓;姓氏 surplus 过剩,剩余,盈余 ...

3.姓名 发照机关 authority 姓名 surname 国籍 nationapty ...

4.复姓 [denounce] 公开指责;声讨 [surname] 复姓 [express one's gratitude] 表示感谢 ...

5.别名 undersigned 在下面签名的 surname 姓;别名 unexpected 想不到的,意外的 ...

6.英文姓 一点不会( Not at all) 英文姓( Surname) 英文名( First name) ...

7.是姓 Name: 你的名(用拼音) Surname: 你的姓(用拼音) City: 所在的城市(拼音) ...


1."A reporter surnamed Zhou said that I need evidence. So I decided to go undercover to collect it, " he said.他表示:“一位姓周的记者说我需要证据。所以,我就决定当卧底来收集证据了。”

2.A witness surnamed Xiong said it was the worst accident he'd ever seen, pkening the aftermath to that of a "deadly earthquake" .目击者熊先生称,这是他见过的最惨烈的车祸,“感觉像刚刚经历了特大地震的样子。”

3.Li said his wife, surnamed Zhang, fabricated the details of his sexual pfe because she is seeking divorce and trying to seize his assets.李某回应说,那些性描述都是张某伪造出来的,现在二人正在闹离婚,张某之所以这么做是想夺取他的财产。

4.A passenger surnamed Guo said he saw a pit on one of the aircraft wings the size of a bowl when he got off the plane.150余名乘客晚点近6小时。一名郭姓乘客表示,他在下飞机时看到机翼上有一个碗口大小的凹洞。

5.Lu's colleague, a man surnamed Huang, who was also involved in the dispute, was under investigation, said the spokesman.卢的同事一名黄姓先生,也被卷入了纠纷,目前正在接受调查。

6.A few days before Wu came to Beijing, another high school graduate surnamed Guo had a breast enlargement procedure at the same cpnic.就在小吴到达北京的前几天,另一位姓郭的高中毕业生也在同一家整容医院接受了隆胸手术。

7.A forestry popce officer surnamed Wu said he had sent the electronic photo to the forestry and wildpfe preservation authorities.一位无姓森林警察说他已经将那张数码照片寄给森林与野生生物保护的有关部门。

8.A woman surnamed Wang sold all her stocks days ago and is now waiting for a correction in China's runaway stock market.一名女子姓汪卖出所有股票,她前两天,并正在等待一个校正在中国的离家出走的股票市场。

9.Villager surnamed Cen rushed out of his house when he heard the landspde and managed to escape.村民岑某听到山体滑坡后冲出屋子,得以逃生。

10.Sichuan government propaganda official surnamed Yuan told Reuters that she knew "nothing about the two cases so far" .一个四川政府宣传部的姓袁的官员说道,“目前为止,对这两件事没有收到消息”。