


美式发音: [ˈnoʊməŋˌkleɪtʃər] 英式发音: [nəʊˈmenkleɪtʃə(r)]



复数:nomenclatures  同义词




1.(尤指某学科的)命名(法)a system of naming things, especially in a branch of science


n.1.a system for naming things

1.术语 nome 古代埃及的省名 nomenclature 术语,命名系统 nominate 提名,推荐;任命 ...

2.命名 术语学 terminology 命名法 nomenclature 受控词汇表 controlled vocabulary ...

4.名称 Noise level test 噪声级试验 Nomenclature 名称 Nominal mass 名义质量 ...

5.命名表 管线表 pne pst;pne schedule 命名表;管道表 nomenclature (2) 流体 fluid ...

6.术语表 Table of contents( 目录) Nomenclature( 术语表) Introduction( 引言) ...

7.名称,术语 seizure 发作, nomenclature 名称,术语。 excitable 易兴备的, ...

8.命名系统 nome 古代埃及的省名 nomenclature 术语,命名系统 nominate 提名,推荐;任命 ...


1.Linnaeus's most famous contribution to taxonomy was his system of BINOMAL NOMENCLATURE, in which he gave plants two Latin names.林奈最主要的贡献是建立了植物分类学上的双名法,规定植物用拉丁文命名。

2.The switch in nomenclature from the CLK to the E-Class Coupe made a bit of a stir when word began to leak last year.该开关在命名从时钟的E级跑车提出了一些轰动Word时开始泄漏去年。

3.But if you don't pke this style, all that really matters is that you (and your team) understand whatever nomenclature you settle on.但如果你不喜欢这种风格,真正要做的事情是你(及你的团队)理解你所决定的命名法。

4.Latin since the Renaissance; used for scientific nomenclature.文艺复兴以后的拉丁语;用做科学术语。

5.Disputes over names are referred to scientists on the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN).争论还牵涉到国际动物命名委员会(ICZN)的科学家们。

6.Thereafter, Rome III committee proposed development of a new nomenclature and classification that was more evidence-based.此后,罗马III委员会建议制定一个更基于循证医学的新命名和分类。

7.However, since no other power was an Axis belpgerent in the Pacific, such alteration of nomenclature seems unnecessary to many.然而,由于没有其它大国作为在太平交战的轴心国,这样的术语变更对于许多人来说似乎是不必要的。

8.Hensleigh Wedgwood found a Dutch name for butterfpes boterschijte and thought this pointed to nomenclature by excrement.亨斯利·韦奇伍德发现了蝴蝶的荷兰名字boterschijte,认为这个名字指向排泄物命名法。

9.The word "park, " in town nomenclature, should, I think, be reserved for grounds of the character and purpose thus described.我认为,在城市的术语中,“公园”这个词应该被确定为具有上述特征和用途的场所。

10.An old signpost refers the Jingshi Expressway as the Jingshi Freeway, thus hinting at its previous nomenclature.旧路标指副研究员高速公路作为京师高速公路,进而暗示在其上的名称。